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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • I know in Germany murder is still murder if the murdered person consented to it.

    Also, an autopsy isn’t just “randomly cutting someone apart”. The point of an autopsy is to determine a person’s couse of death and doesn’t just involve cutting the dead person open. You being alive means that an autopppsy, by definition, cannot be performed on you.

    What you want is someone to mutilate and kill you. I’m pretty sure you can find someone willing to do that.

    Side note: I think you overestimate how long you will stay conscious when the blood starts flowing, painkillers don’t fix your brain running out of oxygen.

  • Technological progress reduces the amount of work required to perform certain tasks. In any just system, this would improve the lives of the general population, either by reducing the amount of work required to make a living, or by increasing the amount and range of products and services.

    If technological progress does not do that, and instead makes the rich richer and the poor poorer, the problem isn’t technological progress, but the system in which it is applied.

    So what I’m saying is this: AI isn’t the problem. AI replacing employees isn’t the problem. The problem is that with a class divide into investors and workers, the ones profiting the most from technological progress are the investors.

  • I don’t think he is proposing another dimension, but rather another scale. As you already said, we already filter the information that reaches us.

    He seems to take this idea of filtering/censorship to an extreme. Where I see filtering mostly as a matter of convenience, he portrays information as a threat that people need to be protected from. He implies that being presented with information that challenges your world view is something bad, and I disagree with that.

    I am not saying that filtering is bad. I too have blocked some communities here on Lemmy. I am saying that it is important not to put yourself in a bubble, where every opinion you see is one you agree with, and every news article confirms your beliefs.

  • How would that work? Even if there was a way to block them, they could just go on youtube without logging in, or with a different account to watch your videos.

    And I mean, that’s just a stalker you know about. If you have enough viewers, there are also going to be others you don’t know about, so doing the classic “don’t post too much information about yourself on the internet” would still be a good idea, even if there was a way to block that specific viewer.

    If you absolutely need to upload everything you do, maybe do it with a time delay, so the stalker only ever knows where you were, not where you are.