Queue that headline from 6 months ago, “Most Young Men Are Single. Most Young Women Are Not.” Hmmm I wonder who the women are dating? 😏
Queue that headline from 6 months ago, “Most Young Men Are Single. Most Young Women Are Not.” Hmmm I wonder who the women are dating? 😏
No, but I spent a few years working at a mom & pop ice cream place, and that ruined store bought for me for awhile. It tastes oddly waxy compared to homemade.
Some flavors I remember were coffee made with cold brew, honey + sunflower seeds, and lavender. Lavender was surprisingly good, made by steeping lavender in milk like you would a tea.
Sure, but insurance companies regularly deny claims for any reason they can find.
I somehow doubt elective, experimental electronic implants are classified as a “pre-existing condition.”
Others have speculated that she may have been denied health insurance coverage unless she had it removed. That’s not much of a choice when you’re an old disabled woman.
I wanna be a Mariner, but I’m totally a Tendi.
That makes sense. You’re definitely not alone in feeling like it’s getting bad. Like, it’s insane to me that conservative boomers are getting old and having health complications and still don’t want universal healthcare. They’ll vote against their best interests every time.
I hope you find support and understanding within your community, even if it’s not within your immediate family.
Even if her death is guaranteed by leaving it in (and I’m not sure it is without more information), does that make it ethical to remove? Perhaps the patient would prefer a shorter life with greater quality in regards to her seizures. After all, don’t we allow and accept cancer patients to forgo treatment and enjoy the time they have left?
Health and housing are pretty important for survival, so it’s kinda understandable that you’re stressed out. Care to go into specifics? Why do you feel like you can’t express yourself?
I’m guessing the patients were required beforehand to sign forms consenting to the device being taken out in the event of ___________ (in this case, the company going under). Because otherwise I don’t understand how it’d be legal to force someone to have brain surgery against their will.
But if the company can’t continue maintenance and support for the device, why not have her sign new forms exempting them from liability and just let her keep it? Is potential liability not the only limiting factor here? And would this be ethical?
I thought BotW was quite like the original, with how open and non-linear it is.
The wonderful world of retail! 😂 But hopefully it’ll help me get back to where I want to be, which is going back to school to finish my bachelor’s in medical laboratory science.
Work! Just started a new job making more than my last one, woohoo.
In Mexico, a population of 23 million dogs has been estimated, with 70% of them classified as street dogs or stray dogs. Source
I hope they’re able to develop animal control programs soon to combat this.
Well look at it this way, at least it was ruined ahead of time and you didn’t end up eating meat that had been sitting out at room temp for 2 days.
Smh this site got me contemplating eating 12 different kinds of cat food in a cursed taste test
As a result of the attacks, lemmyworld temporarily turned off open sign up and switched to an application process. I saw a comment asking if this made it more likely for beehaw to refederate. 😂 They only turned off open sign up because of the mass posting of CSAM on their instance, idk about y’all but that’s not exactly making me jump to refederate…
My mom is a lot like Lwaxana, and I relate to Troi entirely too much.
I know this is a few days old, but thinking about it again, I’m reminded of this clip I saw from Orange is the New Black. To summarize, the clip is a flashback to explain how Suzanne (“Crazy Eyes”) wound up in prison. She’s an autistic woman whose sister/caretaker leaves her alone for a weekend, without arranging alternative care, to go on a vacation. She befriends a child, who she seems to connect with easily as they are on a similar mental level, and the kid follows her home to hang out and play video games. After the child says it’s time for him to go home, she becomes upset, blocking the front door to prevent him leaving. He attempts to call 911 and she grabs the phone and hangs up, confused, telling him that he should only call 911 for emergencies. Panicked, the child attempts to crawl out a window to escape, accidentally falling to his death.
What would you say is more important here, intention or perception? I think it depends on who you are. For the child’s parents, perception matters more. Their child is dead. That Suzanne didn’t intend for it to happen is of little consolation. For Suzanne, maybe intention matters the most. For the courts, both matter; she’s proven herself unsafe to be around to the public, yet the fact she didn’t intend to cause harm is supposed to be taken into account too, perhaps for lighter sentencing. In a better world, she would be given help instead of incarcerated because of her intention, and perhaps her caretaker would be held partially responsible.