• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Engineers have always been pervs. As evidence, resistor color codes are remembered by:

    Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly

    As taught in college. In my situation, our professor disappeared mid semester, as he was arrested for child porn, and was the biggest supplier of child porn in Colorado at the time…

  • This shit angers me to no end. Where I live, they built this wonderful highway around the greater metro area. Said it’d be a toll road for 25 years until paid off. We’re on year 29 now, because they needed to “update” it.

    Then, you find out the tolls are managed by a for-profit company in Saudi Arabia…? The express lanes, that cause more traffic and wrecks than a simple exspansion of lanes, is ran buy a for-profit company, in a foreign country. It makes no sense, unless you’re a fan of unregulated capitalism, I guess.

  • I encourage people to drop out around 10th grade, get your GED, go to community College for all your Gen Courses, then take a path to what your passion is. It’s way more affordable, and our public school system is extremely outdated. There are many different types of “thinkers”. I.E. Those with an Inner Dialouge and those who think in Emotion and Representational Imagery. One size does not fit all. My hope is A.I. will change the way everyone is educated. Or, it’ll be used for greedy, and nefarious purposes. But one can hope!