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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • The problem is that their fans will have a hard time (pun not intended :) ) to find their content if it’s a niche interest.

    A downvote should be for something that crosses a line IMO. If everyone starts downvoting stuff they don’t like that they see in their feed, the more niche communities get dumped into the pit and they deserve a place too. Like the top post says, just block a community you’re not interested in and you won’t see it anymore.

  • What do you mean shot down?

    But I don’t follow your sub because I only like OC and I don’t have preferences for particular nationalities/ethnicities (or even genders for that matter). I like everyone. So I wouldn’t follow “IndianGirls”. It’s too specific for me. Kudos for running it though for those who are into it! Just trying to say why I didn’t subscribe (I’m just new but anyway).

  • I’m a bit sad about the amount of posting, but reddit is full of OnlyFans promotion, commercial crap. And they will get rid of NSFW subs sooner or later. They have to because their prudish investors will demand it when they go to the stock market.

    I think LemmyNSFW is poised to take up the slack. I’m sad that most Lemmy instances block this LemmyNSFW though. The idea was to be like Reddit.