MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]

  • 15 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • It’s amazing the way all these silly vote rationales collapse the moment you apply the logic from the other side or even just follow the logic beyond the exact rhetorical cul-de-sac they’ve convinced themselves is the whole world.

    Not voting for a candidate just tells them they won’t ever get your vote, so why bother changing.

    So what does voting for them unconditionally do?

    It… umm… well… ensures they rely our your vote instead of going to the right. Which gives you power… somehow

    Power I can use by threatening to withhold my vote?

    No, because then they know you’re not reliable and can and will ignore you.

    So my choice is to vote against my interests and morals and be ignored, while supporting a monster. Or not do that, be ignored, and focus on something else.

    Uhm no. I mean yes. But no because something something Trump, something something you can’t come to my dinner party

  • The details are emerging on the IDF strike that killed the World Central Kitchen aid workers, including American/British/Australian/Polish citizens, and it is (unsurprisingly) extremely clear it was (yet another) very specifically targeted assassination. I’ll post the thread below, but the info comes from Haaretz here.

    The IDF’s early explanation re the killing of the World Central Kitchen team is in - per “security sources” speaking to Haaretz. Before we get to the putative pretext for the attack, they also disclose a harrowing detail - the drone bombed the convoy THREE TIMES in succession…

    because team survived one hit and tried taking cover in another vehicle, and then survivors moved to a third - and were finished off there. Deliberate, repeated targeting of convoy, making sure no one was left alive. And this actually doesn’t stack up w the alleged pretext:

    "According to sources acquainted with the details of the incident, the Operation Room in charge of securing the route identified an armed person on the truck and suspected this was a terrorist. By the time preparations were made for the attack, the truck arrived…

    at the warehouse, together with the three WKC vehicles carrying seven volunteers… minutes later, the three vehicles left the warehouse, without the truck on which an armed person was allegedly sighted. The cars traveled on a route already confirmed to WKC by the IDF. The IDF

    was also made aware of the timing of this particular convoy. At some point, while convoy was traveling on the authorised route, the Operations Room ordered the drone operator to strike one of the vehicles. Some passengers were seen leaving the stricken vehicle and moving…

    to the other two. They had time to alert superiors they had been attacked, but seconds later were struck by a second missile. They began moving wounded to 3rd car, and that’s when the 3rd missile hit. All seven volunteers were killed." This is actually far worse than I imagined.

    The first and last vehicle targeted were over 2km apart:

    idf-cool isntrael amerikkka ukkk aus-delenda-est

  • Gavrilo Princip did nothing wrong. If the Archduke and his wife didn’t want to be assassinated they could have just not perpetuated their colonial monarchy.

    Just another Italian anarchokiddie wannabe supporting terrorism. Why am I not surprised? 👑🇲🇨

    😂😂😂 Of course it’s all weird monarchists from Monaco jumping in the replies!

    LOL! You’re not even a realy country Monaco, no wonder you have to lick the boots of other mutant royals. We all know what a Prince Albert is #bellend

    Does anyone seriously believe some kid nobody got Franz? 😂 Clearly an Austrian inside job given the way they treated Sophie Chotek.

    ⬆️This guy gets it. Couldn’t risk the bloodline with a ‘trashy strumpet’ 🙄 I read they tried to crash the couple’s carraige when they were in Paris too. Well sus. #stillaqueen

    You lot can’t be serious!? Since when was Twitter full of Black Hand misinformation agents? Really earning you #DirtyDinars I see

    As if they’d have to pay me. Also they only just introduced Dinar notes dipshit. ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿


    ‘This history BS’ when talking about the last year or so. Typical Western European lib 🙄

    I’M NOT A LIB! THE LIBERAL PARTY IS TO BLAME! If idiots in Berwick-on-Tweed didn’t keep electing Edward Grey maybe this could have been avoided. 😤

    Claims not to be a lib. Also claims the July Crisis would have gone differently if Anglos had just voted for a different lib foreign secretary. 😂 #itsnotaboutyou

    WHO CARES!? You’re the ones debating history while ACTUAL FUCKING ARTILLARY IS GETIING CLOSER! No wonder this is a meat grinder when all you want to do is argue instead of fight.

    Some of us have already been fighting lib. Difference is we smashed the royal occupiers instead of sitting in a hole taking orders from them #trueheroism ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿

    I’m just a poor widow in Ypres trying to meet people to help rebuild my farmstead. Love foreign men! Petticoat pics in bio. 💃💃💃

    Why don’t you show us how it’s done anglo? You go over the top while we ‘just debate’ 🇬🇧 😮💥Lol!

    Promoted: 22 Tips To Fix Your Boots! read this and you’ll never have to try and find ones that fit from fallen comrades again! #trenchfoot #supplies #DIY

    So apparently the Krauts are using gas now!?! Fucking scary #evil

    🙄 Isn’t this war bad enough without having to make shit up? What’s the point of spreading conspiracies and misinformation?

    🇩🇪 Haha, keep believing that. #GasGoPsssssht