• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • I’m far from an expert on IF, just someone who has done it for a long time.

    I’m fasting 14 hours for 4 days a week (I also have health problems, so I’m not going for the full 7 days).

    The “health problems” part makes me concerned. Please make sure that you are safe to do IF with your health conditions. Is your condition one in which 4 days IF is safe but 7 days is not?

    If it is medically safe to do so, I would reconsider this half-way approach. Don’t take this for gospel because this is just my feeling on it:

    You’re trying to get used to not eating in the morning after you get up. You’re trying to make some mental and (perhaps) physiological changes occur and get over the hurdle where you aren’t feeling hunger pangs or the desire to eat first thing in the morning. By breaking the routine for three days every week, I worry that you’ll continually be in the “trying to get used to this” phase and not reach the point of “normal routine”.

    What can I expect? Is there anything I should watch out for? Any tips?

    It’s been too long for me to really remember the start. Additionally, I’ve never been one to need a morning meal [edit: to add context, I did shorten my eating window and had to adapt to that. I only eat in the evening, about 4hr]. I know irritability and feeling a bit shaky are listed as common issues when starting IF. With health conditions, I’d really recommend talking to your dr (if you can) and try to find a way to identify where “normal” discomfort ends and problematic symptoms begin.

    There is A LOT of woo around IF and just about any diet you find out there. I like reading scientific studies and find that media/writers really really like to misinterpret study results… and those misinterpretations become cannon over time. Use a skeptical eye when reading that info and focus on finding a routine that works for you personally.

  • From the article:

    There are some important things to keep in mind here, like the fact that 15 of the 17 studies were case-control studies. This kind of research cannot prove cause and effect, and it often does not look at things that might have affected both the exposure and the outcome.

    A number of the studies that were looked at were of low quality, which is something that the authors also highlight.

    Findings were inconsistent across studies, but those of higher quality suggested that associations in unadjusted models might have been due to factors that could have influenced the results.

  • I suspect that there is “palm check” turned on for your touchpad. This is designed to keep you from accidentally moving/clicking the touchpad by brushing it with your palm while you are typing.

    Look for a “palm check”, “palm rejection”, or “disable touchpad when typing” setting in your touchpad utility. As far as I know, these are all roughly the same thing.

  • Long hold on the account icon, bottom center.

    A pop up will appear allowing you to pick which account you are using (you’ll only see one since you haven’t added a second yet).

    Click “edit”

    Click “+”

    Edit: on that page “pick another server” appears to bring you to that server’s sign up page. If you’ve already created an another account, use the “log in” button, which is below “pick another server”.

  • On this train of thought…

    OP, if you don’t make it clear that you want to date her, then make sure you accept the ambiguity of the situation and that she might have no idea that you want to date her (romantically). It can feel like your interest is obvious if you ask her to hang out one-on-one. But she may not immediately see that and could accept, assuming that you are strictly going as friends.

    It’s totally ok to ask her to hang out, just don’t build up the situation to be more than it is. If she says yes, you’ll have to play it by ear. Maybe she’ll consider it a date. Maybe she’ll consider it a strictly-platonic hangout. Or maybe somewhere in between.

    Edit: and if it goes well —even if it just ends up being a platonic hang out—I’d lean toward specifying “date” when you ask her to go out again.