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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Sometimes I see how some friends and relatives browse the web. From googling a recipe to watching hours of youtube videos. Shockingly, they spend like 10% of the time staring at advertisments, waiting for them to pass by. Sometimes, when they are close friends, I “confront” them about it and 90% of the time their answer is “I didn’t even know you can block them”. Not once have I heard “I do it to generate money the creators and or websites”.

    My girlfriend used to show me youtube videos on her phone and she used a “trick” where you report the unskippable ads or whatver and then you get through them quicker. Having to wait for HER ads to pass started to annoy me so much that I upgraded my YouTube subscription to family. Now her and her siblings get to enjoy ad-free YouTube content.