Nakoichi [he/him]

  • 165 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • This is something that more people need to drill into themselves. It is a notion that permeates all aspects of American politics, that there is some clash of titans (in the lib mind) or some nefarious deliberate machinations being orchestrated by powerful backers of each party to create a literal political theater, but the reality is it’s just physics.

    Body in motion stays in motion until acted on by some sort of force. With no solid left wing movement to exert force against the body of Capital, it just keeps rolling on down hill toward the cliff of human extinction.

    There is nobody in the driver’s seat, we wadded up the ball of Capital and pushed it down the hill and now it’s just rolling on toward its predictable destination we just couldn’t see the cliff when we first started the ball in motion.