• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • Wow, that’s so brave!

    Must have happened the opposite of what happened to you, I was so overwhelmed by Sky’s world that I didn’t feel a thing and then as soon as I heard Aurora’s Orbit theme for the first time all the pent-up emotions came rushing in :P

    after hitting 150 wing buffs, I don’t see a point until I ascend enough spirits to get closer to the 200 mark

    Can only agree, after 150 wing buffs I’d rather take fewer trips to Eden and enjoy them until I get close to that magical 200, than to make the game into even more of a chore…

  • Omg, I’d just written a whole reply and hit cancel by mistake and it’s gone 😭


    I don’t remember much of my early days in Sky, but I recall finishing the game the next day or so after taking the screenshot. But holy cow, the ending hit me hard, past me didn’t know something like that was possible in a game!? From that day I kept on logging in regularly, although I feel you, I still avoided Wasteland and Eden like the plague for weeks after that. "I ain’t dying a second time, nuh uh! I’ll be over here playing with the fishies"😆

    and it very quickly became my “special interest” (how NT’s like to call things those of us who are autistic get really in to lol).

    Ahahaha well here’s to many more special interests and memories then!

  • I don’t know why but I’m laughing my ass off at your screenshot, it perfectly captured the spirit of a veteran adopting a moth 😂 I also loved the backstory, very wholesome…I want more! To ping back, here’s the oldest screenshot of my Sky beginnings that I could find:

    I only remember that I had picked up the game for the second time and had just reached Valley of Triumph. I couldn’t convince my friends to join me for this second attempt, but I had decided that I was finally going to see the top of that mountain, dammit! Between us, I clearly had no clue what this game was all about, but I must have been so motivated that I took a screenshot to remind myself of what I wanted to accomplish 😆

    Btw, thank you for posting in this community! Even though I love talking about stuff that interests me and I make a conscious effort to engage with stuff on Lemmy, I’m more of a lurker and I can’t help it…so I’m really glad that you’re sharing your thoughts and opinions. For what it’s worth, I really enjoy reading them!

  • It is a bit better than your average free-to-play, mobile, daily rewards kind of game, because there is a hard cap of in-game currency you can earn by playing, which can be earned in 1-2 hours. After that, there isn’t any incentive to grind for in-game currency anymore.

    Personally I think what really gets ya is the FOMO: Sure, you only need to play 1-2 hours day, but the problem is that soon you’ll feel the urge to do that everyday, even if it’s midnight, your legs hurt and deep down you just want to go to sleep. See, unless you’ve played for a few years, you’ll never have enough time or candles to get all the cosmetics that are currently in rotation (unless you pay with real money). And who knows when they’ll return, they’re only ever available for a limited time. And you reeeeally want those cosmetics, your entire friend group is saving up for it and think of how cool you’ll all look! So in essence: There’s a daily limit, but there’s a daily limit. Meaning that if you want something, you need to methodically start playing days before the drop to ensure you’ve saved up enough, you can’t just start playing whenever you want. Thus, you can see how it can quickly become a routine and, ultimately, devolve into an addiction (and this is by design, TGC aren’t saints, these tactics are widely used in the industry and their effects on the player are well known).

    So while I love this game, I’d say treat it like any other game because in my personal experience it can get addicting in the wrong hands (e.g. mine😅). But this shouldn’t hold you off from atleast playing through Sky’s story once, the campaign is absolutely worth it and truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I don’t say that lightly.