Pavlichenko_Fan_Club [comrade/them]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • With all due respect this is pretty much a solved problem, and untill there is sufficient reason to revisit it it should be treated as such. I quote from here:

    “The philosophical basis of Marxism, as Marx and Engels repeatedly declared, is dialectical materialism, which has fully taken over the historical traditions of eighteenth-century materialism in France and of Feuerbach (first half of the nineteenth century) in Germany—a materialism which is absolutely atheistic and positively hostile to all religion.

    [And yet…]

    “Accusing the would-be ultra-revolutionary Dühring of wanting to repeat Bismarck’s folly in another form, Engels insisted that the workers’ party should have the ability to work patiently at the task of organising and educating the proletariat, which would lead to the dying out of religion, and not throw itself into the gamble of a political war on religion” (ibid.)

    Let me put it this way: As dialectical materialists we must never settle into mere empericism as what appears before us must be understood in the historical relations that produce such a phenomenon. Therefore, when we talk of religion it isn’t so much a discussion of particular religious ideas and how we can tactically intervene in them to better our goals, but rather a wuestion of where religious thinking comes from, what are its conditions, what is it an expression of. Another quote:

    “The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form[…]. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.

    Indeed today we do see very little reflection of our ideas in the world, and it is understandable that in a desparate effort to remedy this one would try and popularize as much as possible. But at the cost of the very foundation of Marxism. That we see the fantastical mish-mash of half digested ideas upheld as a virtue of the diversity of thought speaks to the overwhelming lack of principle among so-called “leftists.” The answer to the disorder of our camp is not to abandon it, but instead to rise to the occasion.

  • And the necessary follow-up:

    🚨🟡 Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades - Military Council (1/2): — In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. “Those who take disbelievers as allies instead of believers, do they seek honor with them? Indeed, then to Allah belongs all honor.” This is the truth of Allah Almighty.

    Let them worship their enemy… and our bullets know their way.

    Our patient and steadfast Palestinian people, stationed at all their locations, whom Allah has honored with the blessing of jihad and persistence:

    Today, we face a paid group that has singled out our great movement, Fatah, and its decisions to write a poisoned statement that holds no value to the paper it was written on in the eyes of the Brigades’ men and the honorable members of the Fatah movement who have sacrificed their precious lives for the sake of Palestine and its steadfast people.

    This statement stabs the resistance in the back, adopts the occupation’s narrative, and legitimizes its killing and violation of our people and honor. This traitorous declaration is nothing but a zionist dagger in the side of Palestine and its steadfast people, and its noble resistance that has given everything in defense of our land and the path [Al-Aqsa] of our beloved prophet, peace be upon him.

    This statement was drafted by trembling zionist hands to legitimize the occupation’s agents who have wreaked havoc in our movement and squandered the blood of our martyrs and the suffering of our prisoners as a last attempt from them to sow discord, protect their positions, and save their rotten lives from their inevitable fate the day after the war ends.

    🚨🟡 Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades - Military Council (2/2): — We, in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, in the face of this treacherous statement written by a rogue group and falsely attributed to our movement and under the name of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades in the West Bank,

    By Allah, we do not fear the blame of the blamer, We affirm the following:

    Firstly: We call on all our groups and cells operating in the field to escalate the resistance action against the occupation and its herds, in victory for our Palestinian people and its resistance in steadfast Gaza.

    Secondly: We affirm our outright rejection of any government formed under American-zionist dictates which derives its legitimacy from the senile agent of the [PA] headquarters (who tyrannizes over the sons of the Palestinian people against their will).

    Thirdly: The work of the resistance to liberate the land and to work towards the release of prisoners by all means is a right guaranteed to every Palestinian religiously, customarily, and legally, and there is no consultation in it with any party. Therefore, we affirm to you that we were and still are part of the glorious October 7th operation, and the blood of our leaders and the bullets of our brigades in the West Bank are the best witness and evidence.

    Fourthly: Those who accuse the valiant resistance, in its various military formations and names in the West Bank and Gaza, of being behind the destruction occurring in Palestine should carefully review their accounts. Let us question those who brought us agreements of humiliation, disgrace, and destruction in exchange for money and power, and who handed over our leaders and men, leaving them as easy prey to the clutches of the occupation, and who pursued our heroes in the West Bank through the filthy security coordination.

    Finally: We announce our full readiness to arm our heroic people and the sons of our great movement, Fatah, in the West Bank, and all those who wish to join the ranks of the martyrs, and to side with the resistance as a primary response to the worshipers of the sons of Zion and their followers. We also assure you that we have prepared and readied Brigades and cells known only to Allah in the proud West Bank, from Al-Khalil in the south to Jenin in the north, to participate imminently the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, God willing.

    Their conspiracy against the consciousness of stones is unforgivable. Indeed, the bullets of our brigades, by Allah, will neither spare nor forgive.

    The covenant is the covenant, and the oath is the oath. And it is indeed a revolution and a flood until victory, God willing.

    Your brothers and your soldiers, Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades - West Bank March 16, 2024 — Note: The united Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades Military Council was established earlier this year in mid-January in order to unite the various wings of Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades in all parts of Palestine-