• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • When you have millions of players, .03% is 300 people per million. Consider the fact that the .03% of people in this figure are those who report this bug to Riot.

    Perhaps not included in the .03% are people who lost their install and:

    • are not tech savvy enough to even file a report or recover their computer
    • gave up or quit trying
    • haven’t yet recovered their PC to file a report the usual way
    • stuck to reporting issues and seeking help elsewhere, such as on Reddit, perhaps even PC subreddits
    • quit when they realized how insane the Vanguard saga is

    Riot is has a colorful history and a future of misuing and abusing statistics across the board. It’s practically their modus operandi.

  • They put some under-the-hood improvements in 10 that they didn’t put in 7, such as a new display driver model and Directx 12.

    But that does not make a difference to most people. Industry desupporting of Windows 7 is the biggest con to it.

    Eventually, 10 will share 7’s fate. So you’ll have both 10’s regressions and 11’s and so forth to live with as long as you’re on Windows. You can’t stop Microsoft from desupporting and killing their software in the long run.

    Microsoft has a multi-decade history of enshitification when they do not perceive any major threats. Internet Explorer, DirectX, Windows Server, etc. all rotted. Some of these are still active and supported, yes, but they all peaked years ago and are aging poorly. Microsoft doesn’t really do the labor of love thing much when customers are bagged.

    Linux may be able to dethrone them to an extent if it can reach an ease of access/UX that most people are comfy with. And it has made huge strides over the years. It can also run most Windows software very well.

    Mac is still priced very high and still feature-limited and a 2nd/3rd-class citizen when it comes to platform targeting. Offering lower priced conputers would make them a pretty big threat I think.

    I think ChromeOS is a decent threat to Windows but it loses tons of features vs all the other options. At least it is really cheap and easy to use.

  • I’ve had a lot of experience with Linux and I use Nobara currently. My only catch with Bazzite is that I didn’t know the first thing to do. It somehow felt as if most of my experience in Linux was just useless.

    Not saying it’s a bad thing, I just decided I’d stick to Nobara for now and try learning Bazzite in the future to give it a fair shake.

    I’m also a tweaker. I like to play with ZRam and add other things to the OS, like a custom kernel with BCacheFS-Git to support my gaming darastores. I suspect some of my creature comforts may be harder to get.

  • I wouldn’t put swap on an SD card, no. Even if it had an NVME, it seems like putting up at least a double-digit percent would be more effective than 1%.

    Also, since 6.1, swap has been a lot better, with MGLRU. ChromeOS gets away with paltry amounts of RAM due to swapping. So classic overcommitting seems fine as long as you don’t run into situations where more RAM is active at once than is available by hardware.

  • I think the question is: if a person is going to make such a tiny swap, why even use swap?

    Such a small swap is unlikely to save a system from memory problems and it’s does not seem likely to make a noticeable difference in performance when it’s only able to swap out small amounts of memory.

    Why wouldn’t one just put in larger ZRAM or a larger Swap with a reduced swapiness?

    If I have a raspberry pi with 1 GB ram, I don’t think a 2 MB swap is worth bothering with.

  • I use Kagi for everything, and use DDG and Google as backup searches. Usually, if Kagi didn’t get me what I want, others won’t either. I still prefer using multiple engines when looking into certain things, and that’s no fault of Kagi.

    Best feature IMO is personal ranking and DenyListing. For example, I can downrank Microsoft.com from my results, uprank StackOverFlow, and block CNet from my results. I can also downrank or block SEO nonsense sites from my results. I use this feature carefully, because I don’t want to create my own bubble, but some sites are empirically terrible quality

  • I don’t think I have this on the latest 6.8 RC. I have one of the RDNA 3 dedicated cards as well. Hope they get it resolved either way.

    If helps in the meantime, I think you can often TTY switch in order to restart the display signal. Ctrl + Alt + F3/F4 should get you a new console. Then switch back to your desktop with Ctrl + Alt + F1/F2 (the right one may depend on your distro).

    This gets my display fixed when it gets any kind of funky 99% of the time. Sometimes it takes a few tries

  • Yeah, I do. I had that particular counterfactual in mind when I wrote. It’s not like we don’t get bad outcomes with representative democracy as well. The stances on reproductive care, marriage equality, and policies on marijuana have traditionally been either contrary to majority view or else hit back and forth as a spotlight issue.

    One should not have to say bundle positions on Israel, abortion, guns, and drugs. Voting for the president like getting cable vs satellite. And the electoral college definitely worsens that, and probably the supreme court as well.

    Not saying referendums are perfect. Just saying we in the US aren’t giving a thoughtful referendums process enough of a chance in my view, and the two-party process is such that one party going off the rails causes the other party to be a forced choice.

    As a disclaimer, I’m a progressive liberal and I like Biden, and I think Trump is atrocious and fascist and his inner circle are appalling for continuing to support him.

  • I felt like clarifying that the updates issues I faced were the last straw and that if anyone was interested, I listed the other reasons I quit working with them and never looked back. That’s why I wrote all that at the bottom.

    Even if Microsoft does some things right, they still have a history of doing things wrong and have a bevy of other dark patterns. I do not trust them to get it right anymore. They could go back to their old ways tomorrow and I wouldn’t be surprised. Thankfully, it’s not my problem except at work