PurrLure [she/her]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Hey ya’ll, got a quick question for you:

    Is tiktok actually going to be banned in the USA by the end of the year? Realistically? Like sure there’ll be ways around it with a VPN but I imagine most people would switch apps if it wasn’t easy and convenient to do.

    Just asking because I want a… sigh… a side hustle kombucha-disgust in case something ever happens to my full time job. My job is basically what’s keeping me in my shitty southern state at this point. It’d be a fresh account since I took a break from social media for a couple years.

  • I feel you on getting sucked into the consumerism aspects of hobbies, especially as I’m trying to stop buying fast fashion and focus on quality brands that will last at least a year before pilling. At least where I live, I’m vegan and also feel a weird obligation to eat out at vegan places because they realistically might shut down or move in half a year’s time so I feel like I need to enjoy it while I can. And yeah, holidays are the exact excuse I need to take an extra (unpaid) day or two off work and slack on the overtime just to catch my breath.

    I’m too tired from work to help out even my local DSA (yes, I know they’re libs) so I just end up giving them money every month instead. I work extra and then I cope by buying shit and then uh oh, gotta pay that off with more work, and if I ever stop I might stop growing as a person and become stagnant again. Gotta touch grass at least once a week but the public parks are boring, the museums all cost money, and hey look a convention is in town this weekend that’ll be $50 before food and souvenirs if you’re lucky. I’ve got boxes of legos and books untouched at home not because I’m not interested in them, but because watching TV and playing video games is just about all the energy I have to spare. I have managed to spoil myself while being at my fucking limit.

    Anyways, yeah you’re not alone on the alienation. Message me if you wanna talk.

  • Tell people you’re a sex offender without saying it directly, holy shit.

    Also what the hell do you mean “this is probably the most rational allocation of responsibility that all major religions have signed on”, why do women need anyone’s permission over their own bodies? Because then you’d have less kids to snort, you sick fuck?

    Screw anyone that tries to guilt you into voting for Biden this year, regardless of what state you live in. xi-gun-1 xi-gun-2 joever