QuietCupcake [any, they/them]

(it’s a vegan cupcake, in case you were wondering)

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022


  • I’ve never played before but I’ve been interested in trying it for a few year. Problem is I only have a shitty connection and would be playing on a PS4. Would it still work for me to join? I know some online games are still mostly playable even with a bad internet connection, while others are just impossible due to lag. (I get knocked offline a few times per day and I often have to downgrade a streaming video from 720p to 480p to prevent unwatchable amounts of buffering, to give you an idea). I don’t have the game yet, so I’m not sure how much any of that makes a difference. I think I’d have to buy the PS4’s monthly subscription to be able to play it online too, damnit.

  • I was with you until the last paragraph. It is correct to say that state capitalism as defined by ultras is something that can exist, for as you said, if you switched the major corporations’ boards of trustees with de facto heads of state (and did nothing else to change the relationship workers have to the means of production) then that’s essentially what you would have: state capitalism. Given the revolving door that sees CEOs becoming politicians, that’s not too far off from a lot of our so-called liberal democracies we actually have in the west, it’s just that a pretense of a delineation between the two (as well as a pretense of public approval) is maintained.

    But the key thing to understand here is the part about the worker’s relationship to the means of production. As robin_IV already explained, the state is simply the tool that the ruling class uses to enforce its interests. It makes no sense to say that the state “should not be getting all that power over the workers” if it is the workers who are the ones wielding the state. And that is definitely desirable! It’s what we desire as communists who recognize we can’t achieve a classless society in one fell swoop.