Redcuban1959 [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2020


  • Othon Luiz Pinheiro da Silva (born 25 February 1939) is a Brazilian physicist, mechanical and nuclear engineer, vice admiral of the Brazilian Navy Naval Engineers and Technicians Corps. He had also served as president of state-owned company Eletronuclear.

    Othon’s biography is closely related to Brazil’s nuclear program. He is recognized and has received numerous honors for having been one of the main people responsible for developing a technology for enriching uranium called ultracentrifugation. This allowed the country to become independent by mastering the entire nuclear energy production chain, ensuring the construction of the SN Álvaro Alberto (SN-10) nuclear-powered submarine and the supply of the country’s nuclear power plants.

    The vice-admiral was first arrested in Operation Radioactivity, the 16th phase of Operation Car Wash, triggered by the allegations of Dalton Avancini, a former executive of the Camargo Corrêa construction company. He was later arrested again in Operation Pripyat, an offshoot of the previous operation, which investigated allegations of corruption at Eletronuclear.

    Othon was sentenced to 43 years in the first instance by Judge Marcelo Bretas and was held at the Rio Meriti Marine Base in Duque de Caxias, in the Baixada Fluminense. He was released on a writ of habeas corpus granted in October 2017 by the Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region. In 2022, the Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region reviewed the conviction and replaced the prison sentence with restrictions on his rights.

    This whole Operation Car Wash was a CIA-backed operation to destabilize the Pink Wave governments during the 2010s. Its aim was to arrest popular left-wing leaders, coup governments, install puppets and de-industrialize the economy.

  • I mean, Cuba used to have nuclear weapons in the 1960s. And, with Soviet help, they were building a nuclear power plant in the 1980s. Today, Cuba will only have a nuclear power plant if the US relaxes the embargo to allow European and Chinese nuclear experts to go to Cuba.

    Brazil and Argentina tried to develop nuclear weapons during the 1970s and 1980s. When the US found out about this, it began to antagonize the military juntas and cut off their aid.

    Eventually, they gave up on making nuclear missiles. But they still have the capacity and the tools to make them. I remember that, during the 2000s, Brazil was advocating the suspension of sanctions against Iran, because they said that Iran would only use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The US tried to force Brazil to show the tools that the Brazilian government had developed to enrich uranium, which is still a state secret.

    And during the 2010s, before the 2016 coup, the Brazilian navy had a semi-secret project to develop a nuclear submarine with the help of France. This submarine would have the capacity to carry nuclear warheads and intercontinental missiles. But then the coup happened and the CIA called for the arrest of the head of the program. It seems that Lula da Silva and Macron have restarted the program again, but we’ll see how long it takes.

  • Elon also tried to claim the guy who saved the kids who got stuck inside the cave in Thailand was a pedo, because he said Elon Musk’s tech was garbage and he wasn’t helping.

    By 9 July, Musk had arrived at the rescue site and visited Cave 3. He commented that the “mini-sub” was ready if needed and that it would be left in Thailand should it be needed for the rescue or for future events. However, the submarine was not used during the rescue, as it was deemed impractical by those in command of the rescue.

    Vern Unsworth, one of the British volunteer cave rescue divers, ridiculed the “mini-sub” as a PR-stunt, in retaliation for which Musk publicly accused Unsworth of paedophilia, and hired a private investigator in an attempt to discredit him. Musk issued a public apology to Unsworth after Unsworth unsuccessfully sued him for defamation

  • Short Answer: Some Brazilian neonazis and pedos were banned from using social media by decree of the Supreme Court until the investigations against them were finished and they were put on trial. All of these were banned for sending death threats and supporting a coup attempt. Elon decide to “leak” things he didn’t read and to reinstate these accounts in the name of “Free Speech”. In reality he is just pissed that his plans to steal lithium from Bolivia and Brazil failed. As Lula and Lucho didn’t care about the agreements the previous right wing goverments did with Musk, and went with a much better deal with the Chinese BYD.

    Long answer: During Bolsonaro’s administration, he was a fucking idiot, unpopular and had no support in the legislature, judiciary or grassroots. But that wasn’t a problem for him, because he was only there to embezzle public funds for himself and his family while selling the country to the US and the Saudis. He also met with Elon Musk and promised to sell him all of Brazil’s lithium, as long as Bolsonaro and his family received some kickbacks. Elon gives him Starlink, which Bolsonaro gives to illegal miners who use it to help invade native lands in the Amazon jungle.

    Then Lula da Silva, who had been arrested on US orders, was released from prison by the judiciary, which considered the evidence against Lula to be very weak and that the judge who arrested Lula did so for political reasons. He also regained his political rights. Bolsonaro panicked when Lula began traveling the world, meeting with heads of state and politicians like Macron, Olaf Shotz and Bernie Sanders, while Bolsonaro had been isolated internationally since he refused to acknowledge that Biden won the 2020 elections.

    Bolsonaro goes to the US and publicly begs Biden to help him rig the election or stage a coup. Biden laughs, Biden has a good personal relationship with Lula, Biden was the only one to bring the CIA documents about its operations in Brazil to the Brazilian government. Bolsonaro also tried to do the same thing with Putin, but Putin did the same thing that Biden did.

    Bolsonaro was also marked because Lula promised that, if elected, he would reveal all of Bolsonaro’s secrets and put him on trial. Bolsonaro decided to put a group of corrupt military men in his government and tried to plan several coups. He also decided to attack one of the Supreme Court judges, Alexandre de Moraes, because he was one of the judges who wanted to investigate Bolsonaro’s family.

    Alexandre was one of the most conservative judges on the Supreme Court, having been chosen by the American puppet installed after the coup against President Dilma. But he absolutely hates Bolsonaro, and Bolsonaro deserves it. Bolsonaro said he would torture and kill Alexandre if he had the chance.

    Alexandre knows the Brazilian constitution very well, and there is no such thing as unlimited and unrestricted freedom of expression in Brazil. Nazism, hate speech, LGBTQ+ hatred and racism can land you on a blacklist and land you in jail for real. Every time one of Bolsonaro’s influencers commented, they posted some shit on the internet. Whatever they posted would be added to the criminal file and their account would be banned because, if I understand correctly, in Brazil it’s the social media owners’ responsibility what is posted there.

    Alexandre would end up being chosen, because he would have that job anyway, as president of the Electoral Tribunal (the body that judges whether an election was free and fair). Lula wins in 2022 by 0.8% after Bolsonaro tries to use the police and the army to stop people from voting.

    Eventually, in 2023, Bolsonaro attempts a coup, but that’s a long story that I’ve talked about a lot before. The coup fails with such force that even Biden supported Lula. The coup pushes the judiciary, which used to be distrusted by the left because it was the judiciary that accepted Lula’s imprisonment, into a kind of alliance between the executive and the judiciary.

    Because Bolsonaro used public funds to elect his supporters, Congress and the Senate were full of Bolsonaro supporters. But the Senate presidency goes to a moderate liberal who has said several times that he will never let the legislature remove a Supreme Court judge or President Lula.

    Lula’s government begins to bring in investment from the USA, Russia, Japan, the European Union and China. There was a dispute in the automobile market between these countries, as well as in the electric car market. Elon Musk thought that Lula would continue with Tesla and the garbage deals that Bolsonaro made. But Lula decided to opt for China’s BYD, which offered a better deal and a lot more money.

    Elon is angry about this because he lost Bolivia and now he lost Brazil. Despite being South African and Canadian, Musk has a lot of American brainworms, one of which is that he thinks US laws are valid for the whole world. He decided to do the same thing he did with American chuds, unbanning their accounts and posting shitty memes making fun of the US judiciary.

    He also posted the so-called “Twitter Files”, but it seems he didn’t read any of it, because it actually shows that the former owner of Twitter did everything he could to promote anti-Lula propaganda and protect the Brazilian chuds.

    Elon must have realized it, or one of his lawyers told him that he screwed up and will lose money and may have his house raided by the FBI. The criminal case he is now part of had the cooperation of the FBI, which investigated suspected Brazilians in the US who were illegally selling government property. Elon said that Brazilians could use VPN (who’s going to use VPN to use fucking Twitter?), he deleted some of the tweets.

    The Brazilian government terminated all contracts with Starlink and the Federal Police questioned Twitter’s representatives in Brazil.

  • Lula da Silva on Twitter: “There are people who don’t believe that deforestation and burning are damaging planet Earth. And many people don’t take seriously what maintaining forests means for maintaining the quality of life in this enormous home that is Earth.”

    “And we can’t get away from that. There are even billionaires (Elon Musk) trying to build rockets to find something in space, but there isn’t one. He’s going to have to learn to live here (on Earth). He’s going to have to use his money to help preserve the environment.”

    The Brazilian Federal Police are preparing the first steps in the investigation into evidence of crimes on Twitter, instigated by entrepreneur Elon Musk.

    The first step is to listen to X’s representative in Brazil.

    The chances of the Senate voting on Moraes’ impeachment after the Musk factor are zero and the president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (Social Democrat Party - Centrist), has no chance of putting Moraes’ impeachment on the agenda.

    And it’s not just a question of the senator’s lack of will. The Bolsonarists MPs themselves admit that they are far from amassing the 54 votes needed to remove the magistrate.

    So far, those in favor of impeachment total between 30 and 35 senators. This calculation is based on the same parliamentarians who opposed Flávio Dino’s (Former Member of the Communist Party) appointment to the Supreme Court in a secret ballot last year.

    X representatives in Brazil will be summoned to testify in investigation into Elon Musk

    The first step in the Federal Police’s investigation into Elon Musk was to add all of the millionaire’s Twitter rants, which are considered criminal, to the inquiry launched on Monday.

    At any time, the Brazilian Federal Police can raid X’s offices in Brazil and arrest any X representative there.

    The aim is to preserve the messages so that they can be examined. The PF’s next step will be to call the platform’s representatives in Brazil to testify.

    Among the topics to be discussed during the interrogations will be the businessman’s attacks on STF minister Alexandre de Moraes and the platform’s actions to release profiles blocked by court order.

    Elon Musk can still try to legally appeal these actions. However, they will be judged by the Supreme Court, of which Alexandre de Moraes is a member. And the judges have already guaranteed that they will form a majority against any action by Elon Musk.

  • Ecuador: Citizen Revolution Promotes Impeachment Against Noboa

    Andres Arauz holds President Daniel Noboa responsible for Jorge Glas’s health and life.

    On Monday, former presidential candidate Andres Arauz announced that the Citizen Revolution movement will file an impeachment request against Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa for the kidnapping of former Vice President Jorge Glas during the assault on the Mexican embassy in Quito.

    During an interview with TeleSUR, the leftist politician stated that his organization will also file charges against Foreign Minister Gabriela Sommerfeld and Interior Minister Monica Palencia.

    “The Citizen Revolution holds President Noboa responsible for Jorge Glas’s health and life,” Arauz said, adding that his movement is taking international actions to secure the former vice president’s release and obtain safe passage for him to travel to Mexico as a political refugee.

    The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) has called on its member states to address the issue of the Ecuadorian security forces’ incursion into the Mexican embassy, recalled Arauz, who hopes that this issue will also be addressed by the Organization of American States (OAS) and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

    “The defense of Jorge Glas, the Citizen Revolution, and the Mexican government will initiate legal actions in various international forums,” he specified, mentioning that Mexico will present the case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Tuesday.

    “We hope that, once legal actions against the Ecuadorian government begin, the facts will be specified so that President Noboa is held directly responsible and the Ecuadorian people do not have to endure the consequences of an arbitrary act and a flagrant violation of humanitarian and international law,” Arauz said.

    Since April 5, Ecuadorian authorities have not allowed Glas to have contact with his lawyers, which constitutes a clear violation of due process and the human rights of a prisoner, the Citizen Revolution politician stressed.

  • Elon Musk’s attacks made Alexandre de Moraes known to the rest of the world. On an international level, social networks are registering comments of criticism and support for the Supreme Court Justice.

    The Brazilian government will suspend million-dollar contracts with Starlink, Elon Musk’s company, said Minister Paulo Pimenta, according to Valor Econômico.

    Elon Musk publishes fake news and accuses Moraes of interfering in President Lula’s election. Elon Musk claims, without proof, that he is going to remove Twitter employees from Brazil because they received information that they would be arrested. However, when he bought the social network, he closed the company’s office in São Paulo.

    Ricardo Cappeli (Member of the Communist Party and Federal Interventor of Brasilia during the coup attempt of 2023) calls for “Musk to be banned from Brazil with his businesses”, after the billionaire attacked Lula and Moraes.
