Good news! Just got a reply from them and they have increased the connection limit. They did not specify what the new number is, but hopefully it is high enough to not be an issue for the foreseeable future.
So, if you do run into other similar reports after this comment I would appreciate it if you tag me again.
Cost is not the bottleneck in this case… The problem is that I am rather ignorant about the options and their benefits/limitations. Moving the images the first time was painfully slow because of those same rate limits, and I expect the next migration to be the same, so I want to make a better choice next time and would rather find a solution with the current provider 😅
Thanks for the heads up. I am still trying to resolve this without a migration… I will try again to get a response from them as they have not replied in a week.
If I am not given the ability to improve the rate limits soon I will need to find a different object storage provider. The migration will bring down the instance’s images for several days so I am trying to avoid that…
If anyone knows of a good and reliable object storage provider with better limits, I would appreciate the recommendations.
This is the current status:
The instance is serving the images via object storage. Specifically, I am making use of Contabo to save and serve the images.
I now know that the default limits are 250 requests / second and 80 Mbit/s:
It appears to me like when the requests are exceeded, the “Too many requests” error is triggered and it takes a few seconds before the requests are accepted again. This can happen if few users access the front page at once as this will fetch all of the thumbnails and icons on the page.
I have been in touch with Contabo’s customer support via e-mail. But they mis-understood my original e-mails and thought I was speaking about increasing the maximum number of images that can be stored (3 million by default). I have clarified that I want to increase the rate limit and have been waiting for their response for a few days now.
The other solution would be to move the images to a different object storage provider. The migration is also limited to the 250 requests/s and 80 Mbit/s, so it will require turning off the images for 4 - 7 days while all the images are moved… Since I am not familiar with the policies of other object storage providers I would also need to do research to avoid falling into the same trap.
So, I am hoping that Contabo’s support will get back to me soon and allow me to increase the rate limits, as this would be the most straight forward approach.
And you are doing a great job at that! 😄
Very interesting article, thanks for sharing. I agree that it is a good one to pin!!
I have been reaching out to the object storage provider to see if I can increase the rate limits… Unfortunately I might need to change to a different provider to overcome this. Since the migration takes several days, especially so because of those same rate limits, I would rather avoid this…
Ha! Good catch. They probably thought it was a Ball python.
I adore the odor of those flowers 😌
That’s an error I had not seen before, but I also just encountered with this specific post. I will investigate, thanks.
This error is a rate limit from the object storage provider. I did not know of this limit when I chose them, and I still have not found a way to change the limit. I will send them an e-mail. If the limit can’t be increased, one option is to pick another object storage provider, but the migration takes days.
Thank you for being alert! I have banned them instance-wide now.
Ahh, wish I could join you! But I am travelling these days. Enjoy Canvassing!
Inderdaad, ik ben ook voor die marketing gevallen.
Denk je dat mmWave binnenkort beschikbaar zal zijn? Op dit moment heb ik een sub-6 GHz 5G-router voor internet thuis. Ik ben benieuwd hoe een mmWave-router zou presteren als er een zendmast in de buurt is.
Appointed! Sorry about the hassle. I also learned about these federated community bugs just now.
This work using high-throughput combinatorial chemistry to find molecules to stop/revert aging is amazing. I have been looking it in the past few days. The authors screened 653,000 different compounds, I am very curious about how expensive this screening was.
I was not aware of DePinho but I am familiar with Schultz’s work. I thought that would get a Nobel prize for his work on non-canonical amino acids, but he hasn’t yet. I am now placing my bets, Ronald DePinho and Peter G. Schultz will win a Nobel prize.
Should be fixed now!