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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • He’d be a hero to his stupid base when he had to have the courage it would take to renege on the pledge, blaming it on a conspiracy against him.

    This is because his supporters are amongst the dumbest, most gullible and hateful people in the nation.

    They’d much rather watch a video of a doofus asking him questions that had been provided by Trump himself. They don’t have any interest in hearing anything others have to say, just their god man.

    One would think it would get boring hearing the same, obviously fictitious, dribble from the same angry man all the time. But again, his supporters are idiots, and it’s an exercise in futility trying to understand them.

  • Eh, it still works, why get a new one?

    This was born of necessity for me. But now that I can afford a new laundry basket, why buy a new one if the old one is all busted? It still holds clothes… This holds even more true with electronics. I hate throwing things away if I am able to fix them, even if fixing a thing is not going to actually save money.

  • I agree with you that there needs to be a robust system in place to provide resources and other support for women that feel like surrogacy is one of their only ways to make money. However, the legislation in Italy is targeting LGBTQ families specifically. Right wing/fascist ideology the world over is experiencing a renaissance in support of legislating LGBTQ folk back into the shadows. It’s working, btw.

    In Italy, it is already illegal for same-sex couples to adopt. Now they are trying to make surrogacy punishable by jail time, no matter where an Italian citizen goes to do it. Should the government be allowed to tell you that you cannot have a family? If I proposed a law that would effectively outlaw your ability to have a family, would you support that? Is this new law really just to protect women?