• 68 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2021


  • Exactly. The article doesn’t shy away from a bit of free publicity for Cellerite. Which is nowhere near as much of a magic bullet as the “tech media” makes it out to be.

    How do I know it? By doing the most basic of research by heading to their website and looking at their manuals and documentation.

    And Cellerite won’t tell you this publicly because their bottom line depends on their ability to massively overprice their services which they sell to technically illiterate people.

    Any article that mentions Cellerite without a caveat about the dubiousness of their publicity can be disregarded and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

  • As a teacher I disagree. I’m a public servant specialized in dealing with kids. I’m supposed to be held to very high standards.

    By that standard, I should be fired when I say Free Palestine (don’t know if you’ve heard but this is considered highly unprofessional and even antisemitic because of the deranged times we live in).

    It’s ridiculous because standards are not objective.

    Also, mate… check out your payslip. And look up “alienation”. You aren’t getting paid enough for this shit, seriously. Have some pride.

  • it isn’t generally well liked, except in certain circles, usually called at least ‘controversial’)

    The only people who understand the book in that way are:

    people who the book is about

    people who haven’t read it but have read redditors talk about the book in the way those people would.

    The only thing I can tell about Lolita is that there is a whole lot of people out there who definitely haven’t read but talk about it as if they had.

    And if the writer was a teacher, I really wouldn’t care. Teachers write or say so much more fucked up stuff. Many are conservatives for instance. A whole lot.

    then we can be sure that anyone writing such material shouldn’t be a teacher,

    Sorry but what. You can’t be held responsible for people not understanding what you’ve written due to cultural tropes that have developed from random idiots who didn’t get it in the first place.

    I’m sorry, but understanding that Lolita is NOT pro-pedo is the easiest thing in the world. You can’t even say “subtext”. I genuinely can’t think how a semi-functional adult could possibly misunderstand the text in that way. I know it does happen, but it’s really hard to conceive. The whole thing is pretty clear about it. The fact that the protagonist is a horrible monster who shouldn’t be trusted is literally in the opening. In no uncertain terms.

  • What do you think is going to happen next? Obviously what will happen is that someone will look it up, share it, and then it causes a problem. Not because it’s immoral but because you have immature horny creatures bringing something into the school that isn’t appropriate. It’s inappropriate because school is for learning not ridiculing or being sexist towards your teacher for doing porn.

    That’s a great teaching opportunity for teaching to respect others regardless of who they are.

    Say they ever have to work with an adult performer in their life (everyone and their grandma has an OF nowadays, much more likely than you’d think), how do you expect them to behave? Like normal people. Yes, I expect that from a 17 year old too. Yes, we do teach them to respect others who are different. We never take the example of a pornstar because

    1 - they aren’t supposed to be watching it, so that’d be a bad example 2 - if you have to go through every job, there just isn’t the time.

    Yes I know, you kinda touch on that in the rest of your answer, but the main point here is that a teacher needs an OF account to afford shit.

  • How do you deal with that situation, where students have very likely seen their teacher in explicitly sexual terms?

    They see their teachers as waiters or shop assistants because teaching doesn’t pay enough.

    They don’t respect them any more or any less in those positions.

    They’ve seen her do porn? So what? The classroom is a different milieu.

    “Yes but they’ll be stupid about it.”

    Well there is your opportunity for a learning experience about respect of others (yes it does require schools to actually act on behaviour policies for instance). Plus, they’re teens, they’ll be stupid about literally anything.