Is a fix for default sorting resetting to All upon app refresh a priority? It’s driving me nuts lol, other than that no complaints
Is a fix for default sorting resetting to All upon app refresh a priority? It’s driving me nuts lol, other than that no complaints
That’s fair. I was one of the lucky ones and was in the first wave of shipments in late feb/early March. Maybe people that didn’t realize just how extensive a screen replacement would be signed up and ordered one. Hopefully the regular price isn’t much more than the early bird pricing
Fully charged. The steam deck draws power from AC when the battery is over 90%
The only subreddit I miss is combatfootage, and we already have communities that fill that niche, albeit no where near as active
Myself and the guys I was referring to with crazy hardline loops are on first name basis with Linus, we all played left 4 dead together way back when before he even had a YouTube channel (ClosetGamer, anyone?) so his influence with these type of enthusiasts is still pretty strong, at least here in Canada. However he definitely lost a lot of respect with this response of his but honestly I didn’t expect anything different from him
The average consumer wouldn’t buy a block to begin with. I know quite a few guys that have spent thousands on their hardline setups, adding another $1000 CAD is a drop in the bucket to them. There is a market for it, just not a large one
Try telling that to the Somalians
You’re right. Instead I spent close to $7000 building a 150TB server ;)
Keep licking those boots
Lmao complete opposite here. Smelled amazing, tasted horrible. Canned veggies and the gravy tasted like it was from a packet
Supreme. Roast beef, bacon, onions, peppers & mushrooms. Tasted horrible, didn’t even know that was possible for poutine.
You can use it on pc though.
$225,000-300,000 income assuming the age old 3-4x your income guideline
It’s been broken for the last 3 TestFlight builds
It’s the battery. A lot of doorbell cameras have an internal battery to keep the camera powered when the chime is rung. A few of my friends have to replace their unifi doorbell cameras once a year after winter
Agreed. $5 MAYBE, $20 is out to lunch. And a subscription model for full features? Nah get outta here with that, that MIGHT be worth $20. The direction app development has gone over the last few years is a huge disappointment
Not possible. Best instance admins can do is add a donation link to the sidebar
Was this fixed in 0.6.0 (1)? I’m still seeing it reset to All upon app refresh
c/ links don’t work with memmy
How do you enable compact mode now? Happy to see that the default sorting bug was fixed!