I know a lot of people are looking for alternatives for programs as stuff is ennshitfying, rot economying, slurping up your data, going all in on llms etc https://european-alternatives.eu/ might help. Have not looked into it myself btw.
I know a lot of people are looking for alternatives for programs as stuff is ennshitfying, rot economying, slurping up your data, going all in on llms etc https://european-alternatives.eu/ might help. Have not looked into it myself btw.
Ah yes that will be good for international relations and the morale of law enforcement and anti cybercrime people. Lol it is all so stupid.
This and the releasing of the jan 6 people who assaulted cops (one cop who testified against them got a shitton of messages they got early release) is going to do wonders. Not that it will shake the belief of a lot of people that the repubs are the party of back the blue and law and order.
Fyi, this is not the place to either show random ai meme images somebody made (unless they are related to how crazy the ai people/Rationalists are for believing in the tech) nor the place go ‘they are gay for each other’[implied it being bad].
Also see what Sartre said on how anti semites use words. They delight in bad faith.
Musk heard about the ‘gamer words’ and because so many called him a fake game he went out and did nazi salute, he feels bullied really.
E: reality is even dumber, in what is prob an attempt to distract from the nazi salutes he admits to cheating, using the ‘everybody does it’ defense. Of course he also thinks he did nothing wrong, in a way that would make Sartres skin crawl. Poor Grimes, face bitten again.
This clip from bsky put it next to (I think) a clip from american history X, and he even pulls the same face
E: Dutch onion news site Historians: Hitler did the Musk greeting. lol. (The only ‘news’ in .nl which I so far have seen it call a nazi salute openly btw, so not going well here).
Amazing how that all looks like one of those sites from the geocities era, with sparkles/stars butterflies and unicorns and dolphins all over it. All it needs now is a under construction sign.
Yeah we would like to stop lying and cheating, but the number you see.
Every time they go ‘this wasnt in the data’ it turns out it was. A while back they did the same with translating rareish languages. Turns out it was trained on it. Fucked up. But also, wtf how are they expecting this to stay secret and there being no backlash? This world needs a better class of criminals.
Yeah lets hope Titan Invictus, and Industry Americus will be fine. Naming your kids after twitter statues, oof.
The cryptocurrency revolutionaries are having a moment of crisis as well.
That he clamps onto fps/arpgs/easy to play tbs games and not a thing like factorio is also something. Hell you expect him, or Bezos to be hype for dyson sphere generator, but nope.
Yes you do need the space dlc for that, important to mention. ;)
Follows the patterns of the emails he sends out to his followers, which are clearly written to get the most amount of money out of the most gullible people around. For example, donate now so you can join Trumps cabinet
There is also so much wrong with this, first his Poe2 playthrough makes any statements he makes about diablo weird. (dragging gear to inventory instead of just picking it up with a closed inventory (or prob using something like ctrl/shift (right) click, I only played up to d3) is so fucking weird even my mom wouldn’t do it). Then, assuming there is no ladder which tracks region, dungeon and class used (I looked and first clears seem to be tracked via youtube, at least that was what a search showed me), there is a ladder for cleartime however (and Musk was high on that one for one dungeon (abusing bug (still counts of course, but bug usage should be disclosed for Gamer Honour!)).
So they (or more likely he did to try and impress his manic pixie dreams of facism girl) made up a whole category for him to be first in which is such a scrub move. (Otoh, channeling the silly speedrunner tomatoangus (the g is silent), making up your own categories for your own enjoyment is fine, take care of your mental health, and remember no feeling is final, feelings of dread, hopelessness or despair do not define the rest of your life).
I also assume that Felix is the person who made Polytopia, beating the creator at their own game is a fun thing to do, but usually not mega impressive, as developers rarely reach the skillceilings in their own games. (or the game could just be random enough).
What is also funny is what she doesn’t mention. She actually beat him at Polytopia via an epic anime betrayal, which caused him to throw a massive fit (source also note as above that getting mad over this is massive scrub behaviour, and throwing a fit over this is not something I expect of people out of their teens/early twenties).
It is also funny that the general hate Musk for a fraud people are now teaming up with the Gamers due to a shared dislike for Musk. He truly is the great unifier.
Not sure they even see their babies as babies. The whole ‘positive’ eugenics trend is giving therapists some work at least
Going from, i will not make any more political statements to
I lean left on some issues, and right on other issues
Is funny, also which issues, come on be specific.
Wonder when his pardon clears.