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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2024


  • You’re trying to dismantle the echo chamber by amplifying voices inside to the point that they think what they’re saying no longer or has never made sense, and by extension alienate folks outside looking in.

    It sounds like an interesting strategy, and might be fun if that’s what your about, but I doubt it’s very effective. I think the risk of it backfiring is probably too high to see a very good return on your effort, especially without any way to verify positive outcomes. Maybe you’re different, but I could also see the toxicity of the cynicism required to maintain the strategy decompartmentalizing and seeping into other parts of my life, potentially causing me to alienate my friends and family as well as affecting my mental health.

    I any case, I got respect for anyone willing to stick to their guns for what they think is right, especially if it’s for positive social change. I just hope you’ve weighed the consequences of your method.

  • Dude if you care at all about expanding your ideology beyond yourself, it behooves you to not be an insufferable jerk to literally everyone you talk to. Your demeanor completely undermines any effort you might make here to (perhaps even rightly) challenge the societal norms you deem inadequate, unjust, or otherwise bad. People will just assume you sit in a continuous state of masturbatory rage and dismiss anything you might have (even potentially of substance) to offer to the conversation. Frankly I’m not sure I’ve ever read anything in print which so clearly expressed an air of self-righteous smugness, save for perhaps something by Bill Maher or Richard Dawkins.

    Figure out how and when ad hominem is appropriate. Learn how to disagree tactfully. Try to exercise some empathy, at least to the point of being able to connect with folks long enough to rattle off whatever rhetoric you have in the ol’ back pocket.

  • If the concept of a reversing valve is wholly alien to you, I cannot recommend you DIY your issue. Just hire someone, it goes beyond convenience or annoying risks, it’s your safety that I’m questioning. Frostbite, electrical shock, poisoning, risk of explosion, severe burns, suffocation, there are so many ways that trained techs get hurt or killed when they don’t respect the safety element. No way in hell am I going to tell a stranger on the internet to take that risk for themself or someone around them.

    Please just hire someone.

    Edit: just realized you’re not the OP. Still gonna leave this up. This kind of work is simply not suited to being done by non-professionals.