• 68 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • Yikes, a major war you say?

    Those are not my words. Not even Elon’s. Those are the words of the author of Elon’s biography, Walter Isaacson. What Elon said is:

    If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation.

    The reason Ukraine can’t use Starlink in Russia (or occupied territories) is because Starlink is not enabled there due to US sanctions to Russia. Enabling it would be literally illegal for him to do. He also added later that had he been contacted by US officials and told to enable it, he would have, but they didn’t.

  • The one I live in: Finland

    The only thing I don’t like is the short summer and long winter but I try and convince myself that it’s the 4 distinctive seasons and the shitty winter that makes me truly appreciate summer. It’s also good for the human character which probably partly explains why we’ve been voted the happiest country in the world who knows how many years in a row. It may be less true now but it’s still in our genes; in the past you better be nice to your neighbour because once the winter comes and food runs out, your life may depend on them.

  • I do photography and I’ve heard people analyze my work and try and find some meaning, intention or a message that I’m trying to convey with it.

    The reality is that I took 150 pictures and that was the one I liked the best. There’s nothing to it for me except how it looks. The fact that I managed to capture that specific photo is hardly anything but an accident. There is no meaning to it and whatever meaning one imagines seeing there is just in their mind. It’s a story you’re telling yourself and you’d come up with a similar story from a piece made by AI that you didn’t realize was such. If it stops being art at the moment you learn it was made by AI but you accept it as art when it was made by human even if it was, in fact, an accident, then that’s exactly the gatekeeping I’m talking about.