Torenico [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2020


  • Javier Milei underwent medical checkups with the intention of getting on an F-16 plane in Denmark

    As part of his international tour, the President will visit Copenhagen where he will fly as co-pilot in one of the military fighters that Argentina bought from the European country.

    President Javier Milei underwent medical check-ups in the last few hours with the intention of getting on one of the F-16 supersonic planes that Argentina bought from Denmark, as LA NACION was able to confirm from sources at the Casa Rosada. The head of state left for Miami in the United States at the beginning of his second international tour, which will include a visit to Copenhagen, where he would travel as co-pilot in military fighter jets.

    The acquisition of the aircraft was signed by the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, through a joint letter with his Danish counterpart, Troels Lund Pousen. This provides for the purchase of 24 American F-16 fighter aircraft from the European government.

    “Minister Luis Petri and his Danish counterpart, Troels Lund Pousen, signed a letter of intent to advance the purchase of F-16 aircraft. Investment in defense is once again a priority. We are equipping our Forces and recovering the country’s supersonic capacity,” the Defense Ministry announced in recent weeks.

    In October 2023, the United States authorized the sale of 24 F-16 fighter aircraft equipped with air-to-air missiles from Denmark to the country and at that time talks began to put together a financing package for 40 million dollars for this way to facilitate the purchase by the Argentine government, an operation of enormous geopolitical impact in which Washington competes directly with China, since the Asian country had offered the sale of JF-17 aircraft from Pakistan. On that occasion, the government of Alberto Fernández had to evaluate what decision to make among its different options.

    For her part, Mira Resnick, the Deputy Secretary for Regional Security of the State Department, explained that the State Department approved the transfer of aircraft to Argentina without objections in Congress. Resnick maintained that the transfer is “of national interest for the United States,” and although he stated that the final decision was Argentina’s, he insisted that the North American offer was “superior” to that of China, and that, if finalized, it would serve to deepen the long-term relationship between both countries. At the end of March, Petri moved forward with the operation.

    International tour

    Milei began his second international tour this week since taking office in December 2023 and the third since winning the runoff in November of that same year. On this occasion, he will travel first to Miami in the state of Florida in the United States, where he has planned a series of activities. In the first instance, he will receive, together with his sister Karina Milei - the secretary of the presidency - a distinction from the Jewish community. This is recognition as an “International Ambassador of Light”. This event will be held at the Chabad Lubavitch “The Shul” Synagogue, in Bel Harbour, north of Miami Beach.

    Later, he has a meeting scheduled for Thursday with the president of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Ilan Goldfajn, and a dissertation at the Jack D. Gordon Public Policy Institute at Florida International University.

    However, the meeting with the greatest international impact will be the one held together with the businessman who created Tesla, Space X, Starlink and owner of the social network X, Elon Musk, in the state of Texas. It is an anticipated meeting that was fueled by the numerous exchanges that both had on social networks.


    Original Article in Spanish


    Also, imagine if this turns out to be a Piñera moment. Huh…

  • Torenico [he/him]@hexbear.nettogames@hexbear.netToo stinky
    3 months ago

    Many years ago I was a YuGiOh player, a mix of someone who likes to collect cards + play a few matches against friends and all, never a sweaty (no pun inteded) tryhard who plays only meta decks, I’m a romantic who plays Red-Eyes B. Dragon decks as if it was 2006.

    So I went to a card shop with two friends that I’ve never been in to trade some cards and maybe get a game in. The shop was small, it had no windows apart from the main entrance. Only a fan was there to move air around. Then it began to fill with people, and the odor was insufferable. I just couldn’t stand it, the air was dense, the odor was intense, it all smelled like fart and people who did NOT clean themselves. It was suffocating for real, I had to leave. Me and my two friends were probably the only people in that place who took a bath, christ. Never again I set foot inside a card shop.

    Every time I look at my folder filled with cards I remember that foul stench.

  • Milei: ‘We must strengthen strategic alliance with United States’

    President travels to Tierra del Fuego, where he meets with US General Laura Richardson and commits to forging closer ties with Washington; New aircraft incorporated into Argentina’s Air Force.

    President Javier Milei travelled to Tierra del Fuego on Thursday for a two-day visit that underlines Argentina’s ever-closer ties with the United States. In two speeches, the La Libertad Avanza leader called for a strengthening of ties with Washington and for a deepening of their “strategic alliance.”

    “The best way to defend our sovereignty is to strengthen our strategic alliance with the United States and with all countries that embrace the causes of freedom,” said Milei in a brief speech Thursday night. The focus of the president’s trip down south was a meeting with and head of the US Southern Command, Laura Richardson in Ushuaia. The trip was designed to underline the Milei administration’s ties with the United States.

    The scenario was not chosen by chance, as the United States is wary of China’s advance in the region – specifically a deep space station – and in the southern part of Americas. Milei was due to meet the US general at around 9pm on Thursday night, though he eventually arrived more than two hours later, delayed by a late departure and an unscheduled stopover in Río Gallegos. Despite the wait, shortly after his arrival, Milei – accompanied by Defence Minister Luis Petri – met with Richardson and US Ambassador to Argentina Marc Stanley.

    Also travelling south were Interior Minister Guillermo Francos, presidential chief-of-staff Karina Milei, and Cabinet Chief Nicolás Posse.

    ‘Natural affinity’

    Milei, dressed in Army fatigues, didn’t waste time in highlighting his administration’s shift in foreign policy. Thanking the US officials for their support, he observed that "Argentines as a people have a natural affinity with the United States” thanks to its principles of “freedom and the defence of life.”

    milei in military fatigues:

    The La Libertad Avanza leader has criticised previous Argentine governments for drawing closer to nations like China and Russia and called for a new relationship with the West, hailing the United States and Israel as his nation’s new allies. “Sadly, Argentina turned away from these ideas for a long time. Today we are embracing them again,” Milei insisted in his Ushuaia speech, stressing that “the West is in danger” from populist and Communist ideas.

    Wow cool.

    "We both belong to the Western tradition with a culture, a political history and a way of living in society that is largely shared. A tradition that has at its base the ideas of freedom, the defence of life and private property, which were the banner of the founding fathers of both nations when they drew up their first constitutions,” said Milei.

    “It is important to strengthen the ties of friendship with the United States" and in this respect anticipated that a new "logistics centre that will be set up will be the closest port of development to Antarctica.”

    “Port of Development” = Military base. He complained about a supposed chinese military base in Argentina and now allows for the US to set up one lmao.

    “We will continue to claim our sovereign right in Antarctica. Many governments have filled their mouths with talk of sovereignty, but have done nothing for it,” he remarked, citing the threat of “drug-trafficking or Islamic terrorism.”

    Not sure what drug smuggling and islamic terrorism have to do with Antarctica tbh.

    “The best way to defend our sovereignty is to strengthen our strategic alliance with the United States and with all countries that embrace the causes of freedom,” he declared.

    Milei’s trip south came after the governor of Tierra del Fuego Province, Gustavo Melella, announced that he would not receive Richardson during her trip to Ushuaia. The government’s response was to send the president instead. One of the key issues mentioned during talks with the US general is the controversial Chinese deep space station installed in Neuquén, Patagonia, which operates under permanent monitoring by Beijing.

    US officials have regularly expressed concerns over the site and the Milei government is looking to carry out an inspection of the site, which was authorised under former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s government. Construction was finished during ex-president Mauricio Macri’s time in office.

    New aircraft

    This is Richardson’s third trip to Argentina and she came bearing gifts. On Wednesday, during a meeting with Petri, Posse and other officials, she made official the transfer of a C-130H Hercules aircraft to Argentina’s Air Force.

    The purpose of her visit was to promote strategic defence relations and strengthen military collaboration in pursuit of regional security and the shared interests of both nations, said the US government in a statement. On Friday, after the Argentine and US delegations returned to Buenos Aires, Milei and Richarson met again at Aeroparque Jorge Newbery for a ceremony marking the handover of the Hercules plane. The government said it views the transfer as “a symbol of solid bilateral cooperation".

    “This iconic aircraft, with a history of service in 70 countries, will strengthen our capabilities,” said the Defence Ministry in a statement. In a short speech, Richardson said Washington had “heard loud and clear” Argentina’s “desire to align yourself with the United States."

    She said that US President Joe Biden had asked her and other officials to “travel to Argentina to continue strengthening our bilateral relationship, which has been going on for 201 years, and also our common values of democracy and freedom.” Richardson said the two nations “are bound together by friendship.”

    “Our bond is based on an unwavering commitment to democracy and the underlying values of respect for human rights and respect for the rule of law,” she added.

    They’re so friendly to us they had to stage a coup in the 70s to “cleanse the country” of communists and save us, or something.

  • Chinese are jailed/imprisoned if they speak critically about Mao Zedong or Xi.

    They should have imprisoned Xi then because he was critical of Mao a couple of times. In fact, there was been something of a wave of criticism towards that time of chinese history that goes like “Maybe Mao did fucked up a few times”. Other than that, this is common liberal bs. The “YOU CANNOT SPEAK BAD OF GREAT LEADER” is common filler for orientalism, especially because this shit is often compared to “western values” where you have shit TV programs making fun of the President, calling Bush a moron or orange man. Wow. Much criticism.

    Chinese children were taught Mt Everest is owned by China.

    Chinese children were taught Genghis Khan was Chinese.

    These are new ones. Who even cares about this?

    Beijing completely threw out the 50 year agreement they had with U.K. regarding Hong Kong.

    Oh no, the poor colonial power was ridiculed! (Based) What the fuck is the UK and what the fuck are they even doing in Hong Kong in the first place? Are you not aware?

    Want your driver’s license without passing the exam? Bring the instructor.

    I assume you mean “bribe”. And you just taught me bribes are a natural part of oriental societies. Well done.

    Beijing regularly hides images en masse such as Tank Man

    No they don’t. I’ve just seen it yesterday.

    In China? Try Googling Tiananmen Massacre. Google and the massacre are both blocked.

    Reddit-esque talking point once again.

    Americans are taught we stole land, bribing is not common for average citizens, and everyone is critical of the government here.

    And so are the chinese. But I assume you never watched videos of common people confronting local government representatives directly and verbally during assemblies or meetings, accusing them of all kinds of shit: from corruption or inability to lead or solve issues of the local population. To think that the chinese are drones that are incapable of thought and are just to be led by the EVIL MAN AT THE TOP in a BIG BROTHER 1984 society is… once again, orientalism. Meanwhile, the westerners are not like that, we’re all self-critical (LMAO) and we hold our representatives accountable, this is why Bush is in jail, Trump is in jail and Biden was impeached over Genocide in Gaza and is awaiting trial for these crimes. Now wait a minute…

    Also you can’t possibly talk about bribery in the US when the entire political system feeds on it. Oh I know you call that “lobbying”, it’s a less bad word.

    China outclassing the US every day produces gems like these. Liberals spewing shit, racism and orientalism because their crap empire is one day closer to meeting it’s demise. It’s desperation I say.