TraumaDumpling [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • no men in this godforsaken imperialism exporter country have any personal hygiene, i have friends that work at a gas station and they say none of the cis-het-male customers or employees even mention when the soap dispenser is broken in the mens room. no one washes their ass either, because its too gay or something. even as someone who does try to wash their ass with every usage, you can’t really do it in public venues in america because nowhere has bidets and the sinks are in open view outside the stalls.

    add to that the greasy snacks and caffeinated sodas at these kinds of events, with no one of course washing their face or hands, and its not a hygienic environment. and this is all just when alcohol isn’t involved.

  • Daoism: the universe is all interconnected forces intermingling with each other in an eternal dialectic, every part contains something of the whole, try to work with and redirect these moving forces and trends instead of running headfirst into them. The lock creates the thief, trying too hard to prevent something will only cause it to happen more certainly

    Internet Misogynists: ok so your body must be kept separate from the world and pure at all costs, always deny your bodily desires and prevent any outlet, violently oppose any natural urges, got it

    Daoism: how could you possibly think this is what i meant?

    Internet Misoginists: another certified (non-)banger

  • yes absolutely, all media is psychological warfare.

    become numb to guns, death, and suffering - because we want those things to be more common in reality.

    identify with the toxic white man inflicting violence - because thats who we want to be in charge of society.

    pay attention to this horrible thing - because shocking audiences is how we get the most engagement and ad revenue.

    become obsessed with our IP, integrate it into your very personality - because we want to own your mind and your culture as well as your body.

    become mentally ill from your exposure to these constant, vicarious-yet-more-detailed-than-reality traumas - because we want you easier to manipulate.

    absolute best case scenario is that an artist is trying to process their own traumas and share that result with others - but this will absolutely be taken advantage of by marketers and producers.

    never forget the constant reactionary bourgeois government meddling in media in the USA, the cultural exporter to the world, the most propagandized people on the planet - they wouldn’t put so much effort into media control for nothing.

    turning your brain off for ‘easy entertainment’ is what the marketers want, you MUST engage with ALL media in a critical manner or you might as well ask the propagandists what to think. this doesn’t mean never engaging with any media or disliking everything for ‘not being leftist enough’, just be aware of the material conditions and social forces involved in the creation of any media. it is literally all designed, often by literal scientists and psychologists in the case of large budget corporate media campaigns or products, to influence your behavior or thoughts, and you need to be aware of that to control your own mind’s development.

    for example, i’m super into mecha models - but i acknowledge, and wouldn’t get irate at someone pointing out, that most related media is just an advertisement, that every model is just an advertisement for more mecha models and accessories in some sense, that creating a profitable product was the primary motivation behind all of this with any artistic merit or genuine writing being entirely secondary, essentially used as bait for our attention. i still enjoy mech models and mech media, but i am careful not to let it influence me in a political or philosophical way - i simply don’t think the writers and designers are qualified or encouraged to handle such things with rigor and nuance in the context of a toy advertisement for weebs. I mean is Gundam really saying that ‘war is bad’? because there are literal space nazis that killed most of earth’s population that need to be stopped, as much as that might suck for those who are tasked with stopping them. it reads to me almost like an unintentionally glamorous depiction of the tragedy of a conscripted ww2 japanese Zero pilot, about how they have to deal with the end of their childhood to adapt to the harsh realities of War and Politics. its getting children psychologically ready to deal with war, while glamorizing and anthropomorphizing the concept of military technology. to me it reads more as ‘War is Hell, and You Better Be Ready, Kids’ than ‘War is Bad’, and thats the just the secondary message behind ‘Buy More Gunpla’ which is the real purpose of the shows.

  • no amount of therapy or even material change will make me ok with the fact that my consciousness, and those of everyone i have ever cared about or could possible care about, will probably be permanently halted someday. nothing i do, or that i could hypothetically do, matters in that context, me and everyone i could fight for may as well not exist in the long term. sure we could maybe build FALGSC, but why? it would be like a mold spreading from its petri dish, just more meat to spoil at the heat death. meaninglessness and my incapacity to create meaning seem to be intractable problems of reality.

  • god forbid an online communist community acknowledge that humans actually don’t know everything about the universe. completely unacceptable mod behavior.

    just to push back against the redditor atheists, here’s a basic explanation of why i believe what i do, and how i see the concepts involved:

    physicalist realism: your consciousness simply doesn’t exist. your experiences? not real. its an illusion. and what is perceiving this illusion? nothing, since experiences are not real, nothing can be experiencing them. Doesn’t that seem logically inconsistent? illusions are real in themselves, and something has to be experiencing the illusion right? well that’s because you are too beholden to language or something, the universe doesn’t have to make sense to your idiot meat brain and it’s stupid monkey ‘’‘’‘logic’‘’‘’. What’s going on inside your head then? nothing but matter bumping into other matter, your experience and perspective probably boil down to math somehow, don’t ask how exactly but we will definitely totally find out sometime in The FutureTM. in short, the Hard Problem of Consciousness isn’t real.

    the primary implication of physicalist realism: people, including yourself, literally don’t exist as conscious beings, and are merely flesh-robots deterministically reacting to their environment according to physical rules. anyone’s perceptions of pain, or literally anything else, are nonexistent. illusory and meaningless in any real sense. The only contents of reality are physical phenomena, measured quantities of particles and ‘energy’ bouncing around deterministically until the heat death of the universe.

    physicalist realism and its ramifications for ethics and politics: since people aren’t real, none of their opinions or desires matter or mean anything. it doesn’t matter in any real sense whether you kill or abuse or steal or maim or harass anyone, or if anyone does the same to you, as it is only matter interacting with matter according to deterministic physical rules. there is no reason to fight for a better world, not even if you can expect short term improvements in your own personal quality of life, because neither you nor others exist, and your desires and ideas and pain are similarly illusory/nonexistent and meaningless. whatever happens happens and thats it, any feelings about reality don’t matter in an objective sense and were pre-determined at the Big Bang or whatever other start of Time or The Universe like clockwork, and you do not exist enough to actually make meaningful choices, only playing out your Program. you might as well be a selfish asshole and hoard wealth and comfort, since this illusory experience is all you can (not) exist in, or you might as well cause yourself to die, since your consciousness already does not exist. your impact on others literally cannot matter in a meaningful way, since no ones consciousness is real to be victim to your actions, and you literally could not have chosen any other course of action in this physics-based deterministic universe. It would not matter if humanity were to be wiped out by an astronomical event, since life’s value is equivalent to lifeless matter as our consciousness does not exist.

    anti-physicalist-realism: your consciousness exists in some sense and has yet to be explained by physics, in even a hypothetical sense. the Hard Problem of Consciousness persists. Physics as it currently stands does not fully and accurately describe every aspect of reality or the universe.

    the primary implication of anti-physicalist-realism: Your consciousness is the only thing you can ever have access to in terms of epistemology, and therefore it must be considered the primary grounds of existence, as the reality of consciousness itself is impossible for consciousness to seriously doubt, unlike any particular contents of it. Whatever you are experiencing, whether illusion or not, it is being experienced in some sense, there is a perspective to be experiencing from, even if that perspective’s specific nature is mysterious. It stands to reason then, that the ideas, images, and even people in your consciousness are real in some sense, and not entirely illusory or nonexistent even if their true nature is obscured, and may even have their own internal consciousness perspective, which is as real to them as yours is to you. this means that not only do your ideas and pains and desires matter, since they really exist, but those of others do as well.

    anti-physicalist-realism and its ramifications for ethics and politics: since consciousness exists in some sense, its contents are worthy of some consideration. other people like you have their own internal experiences, desires, pains, and ideas, which all really exist in a meaningful sense and warrant consideration. therefore, there may be reasons to consider avoiding harassing, abusing, or hurting others. additionally, regardless of the existence of any ‘afterlife’ or ‘soul’, your actions will at least live on in the real consciousnesses of other people who will come after you, whose Actually Existing Sensations will be affected in some way, meaning that it is necessary to consider your impact on those around you, and even work together for everyone’s benefit even if you personally get no physical reward - your feelings can be reward enough. It would be tragic if humanity were wiped out, since our consciousness and pain and hopes were all real, non-illusory phenomena that distinguished us from inanimate matter or automatic mindless biological reflex

    i’m going to keep believing that the hard problem of cosciousness hasn’t been solved or handwaved away successfully, i’m going to keep believing that humanity has yet to discover everything in the universe, i’m going to keep believing that worker ownership of the means of production are necessary to creating a more just society, and that democratic centralism is a good way to accomplish that goal, and i’m going to keep calling myself a Communist, even if i might have specific philosophical/epistemological/ontological differences with certain interpretations of some of it’s ideological founders.