I guess I could ask since even in the previous post many pointed that I use Linux wrong. And here too. Maybe I’m second guessing myself, but I use terminal to update everything except flatpaks. The most things alien to me are DE configs and if I were to use X11, those too. The first issues were when I installed xwaylandbridge which made kwin spam journalctl and the other “fixes” to screen share breaking debian. After the switch to Endeavour, all of the same issues persisted, except screen share worked because of a newer c++ package (to my understanding). The only difference being that Debian had less problems overall, which is understandable since the things not working properly were from AUR.
The thing I’ve followed to the best of my knowledge was DontBreakDebian. Is there just something else that I’m not supposed to do? The issues even on Linux don’t go away by themselves, so vim and hope was required.
Now I’m too accustomed to Linux, that Windows is alien to me. While the most issues are more of a montage, each fixed one by one, I did do a “hit piece” and being smug about it.
Either way, maybe the forest caveman route is the one for me, since technology is too much for me:'D
Hey me! The bane of my existence was kwin. I have no idea why, but all of the previous issues have gone away. That is not to say I won’t have issues, though for whatever reason xfce x11 “just works”, as if VRR was enabled. What the hell…