• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Hier ein paar Sachen, die mir dazu einfallen:

    • nach jedem waschgang die Tür und das Waschmittelfach offen lassen, damit die Maschine ordentlich durchlüftet wird
    • einmal im Monat die Maschine auskochen. Das geht auch mit Kochwäsche, also muss kein Leerwaschgang sein
    • Waschmittelmenge und -zusammensetzung auf die Härte deines Wassers einstellen
    • lieber etwas weniger Wäsche in die Maschine füllen. Das Bullauge sollte leicht zu schließen sein
    • schau beim nächsten Mal nach, wie viel Wasser in der Maschine ist und ob das Waschmittelfach frei von Waschmittelresten ist. Evtl. ist das Eckventil nicht ganz offen oder es gibt nen Knick in der Wasserleitung

  • People that really want convenience just pay for streaming services.

    Streaming services stopped being convenient a couple of years ago. Introduction of ads, content strewn all over the place, shitty UI, etc.

    I went with Stremio because it has everything in one place. Seeding is not an option because Germany is a shit country for seeding Torrents.

    Real Debrid does the torrenting while the end user downloads the cached content. I’m not sure if they seed or not however.

  • You get that idea because no one actually browses the internet anymore. All people ever do is use fucking social Media and that’s about it. No one’s using Limewire to download porn/music, no one’s using warez websites anymore, there are trustworthy porn aggregators so no one needs to visit dubious websites anymore.

    Viruses are still a thing, and as someone already mentioned, chrome and edge themselves are spyware. Phishing is the more prodominant modus operandi nowadays.

  • Thanks for the well explained answer, I appreciate the tone of your post :)

    I’m fairly shit at art myself but have made respect for people who have a mental picture and can transfer that into whatever medium they’re using. AI art is easy to detect at this point and it just doesn’t do it for me.

    The thing with shitty answers is that the answers that come after a prompt sound feasible but very often it’s absolute nonsense and plan unusable.

    I appreciate the technology behind AI and it’s fairly impressive where we’re at now. But it has a very long way to go before it really becomes a benefit to humanity.

  • TwoCubed@feddit.detoJust Post@lemmy.worldNope. No.
    1 month ago

    Funny, most companies I know of are ditching AI because it’s useless and a high security risk.

    But you do you, tech bro.

    Edit: even the examples you listed aren’t exactly things one should entrust AI with. Contract creation? Nah, I’d rather buy templates from notaries/legal firms and be done with that. Would you trust a legally binding contract that came from an AI bot? Exactly, no one does. Marketing and Sales? Oh yeah, a shitty bot knows more about psychology than a human professional, sure mate. Keep that up and you can file for bankruptcy in no time. Translations, yes. That is one area that can help, but also leads to people either being too lazy to cross check or those people are out of jobs and you end up with half assed translations that paints your company in a very unprofessional color.

  • TwoCubed@feddit.detoJust Post@lemmy.worldNope. No.
    1 month ago

    I’m not sure you’re right. Many companies ditch AI because not only is it useless, it’s downright dangerous because AI chat bots are very confident in their answers, even though they’re wrong most of the time.

    I was excited at first, but now it’s a useless gimmick. And it fucks up journalism.

    But I do wanna keep the AI denoiser in Lightroom though, that shit is amazing!