• 168 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    58 minutes ago

    It has one thing in common and that’s the thing I was referring to:

    In both cases, the president has the power to change bad policy, no matter how longstanding.

    Obama chose to make the right choice under little to no pressure (except from people adamant that he should do the opposite) while Biden is insisting on the wrong choice in spite of intense pressure and a very significant risk that it’ll cost him the election.

    The specifics of Cuba has nothing to do with it.

  • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    2 hours ago

    Their foreign policy is stinkier than blue cheese.

    And doesn’t even compensate by also being delicious, like the cheese does!

    Unless you have a significant profit stake in the military industrial complex and/or the fossil fuel industries, of course. Then it’s the most delicious thing ever.

  • I don’t get why people sing in the shower… The acoustics are terrible

    The opposite is famously the case, especially for deep voices.

    The main reason people sing in the shower is because it is a time when they are relaxed and their mind is free from all inhibitions. Additionally, the acoustics in most bathrooms are perfect for singing, as the sound reverberates and resonates well.

    Science ABC

  • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    2 hours ago

    is not his policy.It is a result of decades of US-Israel relationships with all kinds of ties between the two countries

    Yeah it is. Obama said about the Cuban Embargo that “these 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked”, so he changed longstanding policy.

    Meanwhile, letting Israel do whatever the fuck they want to Palestinians for 75 years hasn’t made the treatment more just (duh) or the region more stable and peaceful, and the majority of the population realizes that now.

    People are demanding of Biden and the rest of the Dem leadership, which are the people with the power to do so, to change the awful status quo of total deference to a fascist apartheid regime and Biden et al are risking the election and thus American democracy by refusing to listen to the people who they are supposed to represent.

  • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    2 hours ago

    There’s almost no fence sitters. This isn’t your father’s Republican party. It’s a literal christofascist cult where you’re either part of the group or hated, and one of the main prerequisites of even CONSIDERING joining is an intense irrational hatred for anyone with a (D) behind their name, whether progressives like Bernie and AOC, or conservatives like Henry Cuellar and Biden.

    The Biden campaign is wasting its time and energy trying to appeal to people who would rather die than ever vote for a Democrat while alienating most of the Democratic base and extinguishing much of the enthusiasm of the ones who still aren’t completely turned off.

    Unless they change course dramatically, voter participation will be abysmally low and the orange fascist man-child is going to win and, with the help of Project 2025, is going to dismantle everything resembling democracy, regulations, and protections for any abused minority group.

    And the “blue no matter who” apparatchiks are going to victim blame the tens of millions of alienated potential voters rather than blaming the corruption, incompetence, and stubborn refusal to listen to them that alienated them.

    After all, they’d rather die than hold the leaders of their own party accountable for their mistakes and shortcomings, no matter how much ignoring it helps the fascist GOP.

  • What news station hasn’t lied before?

    There’s a gigantic difference between

    A) sometimes accidentally saying something untrue due to sloppy work and then issuing a retraction when you find out or someone finds out for you

    B) sometimes accidentally or deliberately saying something untrue due to editorial bias and then issuing a retraction

    C) Having a deliberate strategy of lying on purpose to further an agenda while constantly accusing everyone else of the same

    Almost all of the news outlets in the world do A and B, rarely in most cases.

    Faux News have been doing C all day every day since 1996.