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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 6th, 2024

  • There’s was only a very brief period that I would have considered Chrome a better option and that was the period when Chrome had a mobile app and FF didn’t. Other than that, I have never understood why you would use chrome. I know FF didn’t invent tab browsing, but definitely the first to do it successfully.

  • You either need to really do more research on topics before you make uninformed comments or just don’t comment on things you don’t know.

    Mississippi the lowest paid elementary school teachers on average and it’s $48k. If you went to school for $25k then you’d only have a $250 monthly payment for 10 years. Teachers should make more, but you make good decisions you could definitely live okay.

  • It wasn’t even about states rights, not really. If you read the SC declaration of succession, they talk extensively about the states rights to succeed legally and why in the first 13 paragraphs, then in the 14th they start the explanation of why they are succeeding. It’s about the northern states not returning fugitive slaves, as was the law at the time, and the government doing anything to enforce the Constitution. Then in paragraph 22 they discuss the election of Lincoln and his open opposition to slavery and they were worried about losing the right to have slaves.

    Basically, if the government isn’t strong enough or willingly to enforce its own constitution, then they didn’t need to be a part of that government and they had the right to denounce that government the same way they had done with the British government during the revolution.


    It’s 100% about slavery and there isn’t

  • Wisas62@lemmy.worldto2meirl4meirl@lemmy.world2meirl4meirl
    2 months ago

    See this is the problem, you’re entirely missing the point. You don’t have to go to Harvard to be an elementary school teacher. Harvard on average $228k for 4 years Bridgewater State $44k for 4 years. Only 35 miles apart.

    This person chose to take out somewhere on the realm of $90k worth of student loans for a career that makes less than $50k per year.

    I don’t know anything about it, but we an example out of state tuition at Fayetteville State University is less than $25k for 4 years.

    There are options and choices but people would rather take the easy way and blame someone else.

    I agree college prices are out of control, but right now you have to work within the constraints available.

  • Your comment is the biggest problem we have right now. There’s no, just paying a little more on taxes to get free healthcare. It’s estimated that currently it would be $3-4 trillion a year for universal healthcare. The total taxable income the US made was ~$4.4 trillion. 41.5% of that is individual taxes. If everyone paid 10% more that would only be $182B. You haven’t even scratched the surface of the cost. Adding universal health care is far more complicated than just everyone paying a little more in taxes.