You could check out Cami-cat’s D&D songs, a few there might fit
You could check out Cami-cat’s D&D songs, a few there might fit
I don’t know what kind of a healtcare system you have, but where Iive it’s funded by taxes. I used zo struggle with that kind of thought “It’s a minor problem, I’ll be wasting capacity” until I looked at how much money I’m paying every month. That helped me get into the mindset of “I’m paying you, I have the right to get looked at”.
Also if you have these kinds of thoughts, then you are likely a type of person who tends to downplay their problems at least a bit, so when you start thinking about the need to go to the doctor, you need to take it more seriously
Yes, I used Word and Teams a lot, Access is a piece of shite, that much is for sure
Could you elaborate on why is it crapware? What should people and buisnesses use instead in your oppinion?
Titanfall. Proper Titanfall.
I’m guessing you didn’t use the Manticores with a +10 Defence stance :D
I like both, but from this perspective my favourite so far has been BSG: Deadlock, with its simultanious turns. It lets you think and skips the gimicks of normal turn-based games.
Redcon You can try it for free, but to finish the campaign you have to buy it
DA:I did a tone-shift from dark fantasy towards high fantasy. Personally I prefer hf to df, but I can see that it is a different vibe. This? This did a tone shift from hf to Guardians of the Galaxy. And I don’t think this tone can deliver on what they set up with the Dreadwolf at the end of Trespasser
Karácsony ugye DK és társai színében indul, és végig azzal vádolta Vitézyt, hogy valójában Fideszes jelölt, és az ásványvizet leveszik majd az asztalról. Vitézy meg váltig állította, hogy őt az LMPs Ungár Péter győzte meg, hogy induljon, és nem akar se Fideszt, se DKt. Évek óta az egyetlen színvonalas vita volt a Vitézy-Karácsony kör. Támogatottságban ilyen Kari ~40%, Vitézy ~25-30% Szenkirályi ~20% voltak. És most csak az megy, hogy mindenki hazug, azt meg tudja a faszom, hogy a Vitézy, akit Szentkirályi a visszalépésében támogatott, egy taktikai lépés a narancstól, vagy ez volt a terv
Örültem volta egy valós alternatívának a dichotómiára. Most marad a nagy dilemma: mekkora faszt rajzoljak a papírra vasárnap?
Yes that’s one. Might want to check her other songs as well