• 22 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • You are artist it looks like so you are logicly talking about design but didnt talk much about some tehnical stuf that is more my side… I also switched to iphone almost 6 years ago, and wasnt planing to, i just wanted to try it out and see how iphones are, since i already knew android so wery well. And i was wery suprised how ios handles ram managmant, it was waaaaaaay better than on android. Im not sure how is it today on android, didnt play wit them for a while. Hopfuly it got better… But the bigest thing for me besides working better and more stable was that on iphone you get lates system every year when new version comes out, so you use latest os on old phone, and when you switch to new one you just continey to use same os and to get newer versens ewery year. Its much more interesting because os is changing every year and i get the feeling that i get new phone ewery time when new os comes out. On android its boring because you are stuck with the same old os that you bought your phone with. And also on iphone you realy get to know ios realy good and all its secret litle usefull features because you continye to use it with next phone. And on android you get diferent phone with diferent features, many old usefull features are gone or changed to be not wery good anymore, and new features you dont know some are usfull some not as alwayse but you dont have the behavior to use them. On iphone it payesoff when you watch “tips and tricks” video and on android its not realy worth the effort to learn them and get trough prosses of making habbit for them, when you will lose those features with next phone anyway…

  • Tnx for answer, it is set to 100% no mistake there. But its still to big, meaby on laptop its more apropriate but on desktop it looks way to big for my taste… I would set it to 1/9 of its curent size… Its not some big isue, it works just fine, but it would be nicer to have it more appropriate size. And in general, pop could use a litle more modern design, some transparent surfeces and stuf like that. Meaby in the future they work on that.

  • You didnt give me any link for arguments. I dont know if coin needs to be open source to work but most of them are as far as i know, i dont say that every coin is good, there are a lot of scam coins but crypto curency as tehnology and block chain tehnology is definitly good thing. Bitcoin for example is coin that no bank or governmant can take from you and again you can send it to whomever you want. Govermant cant make more of them as they can with dolars or euros and thats why they cant make inflacion. See inflacion is made by govermant because they print more money, but they cant print bitcoin so they cant make inflacion. And inflacion is basicly stealing money from you, because money that you have in balance is losing its walye…

    Nfts are not crypto its two separate things, nfts are payed in crypto often as i understand but they are not the same thing.

  • Haha yea lemmy is a new discovery for me, and i love it. I found it on odysee from one youtuber Nick and his channel is linux experiment… i found mastodon and lemmy and fediverse in general thanks to him :) But he betrayed me with stoping to publish to odysee/lbry 🥲and now i dont even watch his videos that often… Regardless i do from time to time… Meaby i will try to lear coding its interesting but there is a lot to learn. Tnx for suggestion.

  • I would love to help, but i dont have the skill to make mods… I noticed the nether fortress is much smaller and diferent than in minecraft even thou all blocks needed to make it are alredy in the game… And it seemed strange to me, so i had idea that meaby i could build the replica of minecrafts nether fortress and send that stracture to mineclone devs so they can implement it in the game 🤔 would that be possible…? 🤔 Also the same could be done for ocean monument (Atlantis as i call it XD) Because for example piliger outpost is bigger and better than in minecraft because it has varaities, its not alvause the same sometimes it can be wery tall tower and sometime it can be shorter but vider stracture. And other stractures are smaller and vorse than in minecraft, so it should be upgraded.