• 204 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • How utterly convenient from the party whose rules are discretionary when they want to fuck over progressives.

    The rules are hardcoded in the charter. The DNC never violated the party charter. Bernie Sanders number of delegates were 100% determined by the votes he got from people like me. I’ve never heard Bernie Sanders repeating your nonsense. Why the f*ck would I believe a random dunning kruger over Bernie Sanders? Bernie Sanders is way smarter than you are and he never lies.

    I read the transcripts correctly.

    Then provide the exact reference so I can tell you where your wrong. Show me the exact evidence where a lawyer says “my employers hereby reserve the right to ignore their own organization’s charter that is the legal source of their authority”. Because I’ve proved the opposite. And you haven’t proved shit. All you ever done in this conversation is repeat vague accustions that came from the Kremlin with no details whatsoever. Also, there is no chance whatsoever that any judge would allow the DNC executive committee to arbitrary purge the 1000+ new members of the DNC and who legally control the DNC and the executive committee of the DNC.

    Even if you provide a source, he said the opposite before a judge.

    WHO “said the opposite”? A lawyer is a hired employee, not a member of the DNC. He has no authority to violate the party charter. Not one single member of the DNC has ever said such a thing. Since the 1000+ newly elected delegates ARE THE DNC, why would they ever even want to violate the party charter? There is no chance whatsoever that any judge would allow the DNC executive committee to arbitrary purge the 1000+ new members of the DNC and who legally control the DNC and the executive committee of the DNC.

    Stop with the ‘gaslight’ shit. You’ve given no evidence at all to back up anything you’ve said. I’ve 100% proved my case with authoritive sources. YOU are gaslighting ME. Also, there is no chance whatsoever that any judge would allow the DNC executive committee to arbitrary purge the 1000+ new members of the DNC and who legally control the DNC and the executive committee of the DNC.

    And finally I want to say this. There is no chance whatsoever that any judge would allow the DNC executive committee to arbitrary purge the 1000+ new members of the DNC and who legally control the DNC and the executive committee of the DNC.

  • when we know that’s not true.

    NO NO NO NO NO!!!

    Dude both Democrats and Republicans still loyal to America are scared to death that Traitorapest Trump is going be the end of democracy.



    Why did Trump’s Vice President, Sec of State, 2 Attorneys General, National Security Adviser – ALL REPUBLICANS – warn us that Trump is a threat to democracy.

    Trump ordered an attack against America on Jan 6, 2001. The previous 2 months he spent every single day trying to figure out a way to overturn the election and disenfranchise millions of Americans. ONLY A POWER MAD NEOFASCIST WOULD DO THAT. There is overwhelming evidence that Trump knew he lost on election night and Steve Bannon admitted on audio tape before the election that Trump was going to lie “and say they stole it”.

    Every time Loser Trump loses an election or a court case he slanders our country and attacks our core values of democracy and the rule of law.

    He admitted he would be a dictator “on day one”.

    He promised to abuse the justice system to go after political enemies.

    He threatened to “pull the license” of news media that criticize him.

    He tried to blackmail Ukraine to interfere in our elections.

    He cooperated fully with Putin to interfere in our elections.

    That’s like me saying that the Democrats are going to turn our country into socialism, when we know that’s not true.

    Because there is no evidence for that whatsoever. With Treason Trump we have overwhelming evidence of his complete contempt for our longstanding core values of democracy and the rule of law.

    Trump’s action’s between election day and Jan 6 ABSOLUTELY DISQUALIFY HIM from holding office. All Republicans who still support Treason Trump ARE SUPPORTING THE END OF DEMOCRACY.


  • The DNC would rather

    The newly elected delegates this year literally is the DNC. The smaller group of caretakers do not have the legal power to purge the large number of elected delegates. And these delegates are bound by the party charter to vote Biden on the first ballot. Unless Biden releases his delegates, which he could do and might do if convinced he is not the best choice to defeat Trump. So I am hoping that behind the scenes Dems are working furiously to convince Biden to release his delegates so that Gavin Newsome can be the nominee instead.

  • I literally counted every one of Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump’s lies and the total was over 200.

    As for Biden, I am deeply hoping that behind the scenes other Dem politicians are furiously trying to convince Biden to drop out and be replaced with Gavin Newsom. The party rules are that Biden would need to agree to formally release his delegates. But since Biden has maintained all along that he only ran to keep Treason Trump out of office, I think it would be possible to persuade Biden to drop out. Leave Harris as VP because she would need to have buy in as well. The convention is not till August so it doesn’t have to happen tomorrow but it does need to happen before the convention so they need to start working on it right now.

  • I don’t care if Biden is senile and incoherent,

    There is not a big overlap between what skills a candidate needs and what skills a president needs. 99% of the job of president is to make decisions. That’s the job. Even if he lost his voice entirely and was in a wheel chair like FDR, he could still make excellent decisions. President Biden absolutely killed it for 2 hours at the state of the union speech. Nobody who was “senile” could have done that.

    I’ll still vote for him!”

    Have you not been paying attention to current events? The country is at a critical junction between democracy and neofascism. OF COURSE I’m going to vote for the continuation of democracy. Anybody who does not would be an idiot. I would vote for a literal corpse over Convicted Criminal and Sex Offender Treason Trump.