cosecantphi [he/him]

  • 22 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • Could we make exceptions for posts and comments in close proximity to Hexbear? Like on a federated instance just outside of Hexbear mod jurisdiction? Or posts that mention Hexbear, or made in reply to a Hexbear user?

    My last dunk tank post would not be allowed under this rule, but I felt it was super productive. It brought attention to an asshole dbzer0 poster commenting on .ml. Hexbear got to do a classic anti-chud dogpile, the user was brought to the attention of the dbzer0 and .ml admins/mods, and eventually their comment was removed. I’ve always felt this was the sort of thing c/the_dunk_tank was made for; after a dogpile like that, it’s far less likely for lurkers to take the chud’s side. It’s always been an extension of the r/CTH culture of using bullying as a deterrent, it makes chuds think twice about whether or not it’s worth sharing their shitty opinions.

    Here’s a link to it:

    The person has no upvotes in the screenshot, but that’s because their comment was in direct reply to me, so I was able to post it here before any other chuds came along to upvote it.

  • But if it is true we’re literally already dead since we’ve been blasting radio waves into the aether for over a century

    That’s the thing that annoys me most whenever I talk to someone who can’t shut the fuck about the dark forest and wants to frantically shut down all attempts to communicate with possible aliens.

    And it’s not even just the radio waves. Apparently they become too diffuse and garbled to detect easily after a few hundred light years anyway. The real problem is the fact that any alien civilization with both the will and resources to take us out from thousands to millions of light years away would have already known about life on Earth for the past billion years. It’s no secret. Whenever the Earth passes in front of the Sun, anyone within that line of sight observing with a sufficiently powerful telescope will clearly see spectroscopic evidence of both methane and oxygen in the atmosphere. That sort of atmosphere just doesn’t exist naturally in equilibrium without life constantly replenishing it. It’s what astronomers call a bio-signature. So these potential omnicidal aliens have had more than enough time to throw a rock at Earth at 99% the speed of light, and that rock has had plenty of time to get here.

    Maybe they only want to kill technological civilizations? Well, in that case they’d be monitoring planets known to support life, waiting for something they consider a threat to evolve. Clearly Earth would have been one of those planets on their watch list for a very long time, and by now their spectroscopy data is showing them all of the weird shit we’re extremely suddenly dumping into the atmosphere, an obvious techno-signature.

    So hiding from them is very clearly not a productive use of our resources. If the dark forest really is the solution to the Fermi paradox, then we have a near light speed rock with our name on it no matter what we do or don’t do. Stealth does not exist in space. So we might as well just try to be friendly and open to any other alien civilizations that might be out there.

  • Yeah in the context of the rest of the thread that line made more sense. What happened was they (not the person in the screenshot, it was another user) originally called me edgy and compared me to a 4channer for saying my boss belongs in a gulag. The word edgy is necessarily a comparison, right? Something can’t be edgy in a vacuum, it’s a word that implies judgement against some sort of normal baseline.

    So I brought up how no one is ever called edgy for saying someone belongs in an American prison. I didn’t actually initially accuse them of being American, for some reason they thought not being American would somehow refute my point. When they got defensive about that, I poked fun at them by saying they’re acting like an American anyway

  • cosecantphi [he/him]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mluntil we meet again!
    6 months ago

    Don’t worry, you may not live in the US, but you’re definitely an American in spirit.

    And you clearly don’t seem to have problem with US prison system, only that wrong people are sent there. You’re as full of shit as the people you think you’re criticizing

    Soviet Union: Sequesters fascists and counter-revolutionaries for reeducation after Nazi Germany murdered millions of people while invading the USSR with the express purpose of genocide.

    The US: Uses drug prohibition as a bullshit excuse to systematically arrests racial minorities in their millions in order to continue enslavement after the abolition of chattel slavery. The conditions are so brutal that the death rate for modern US prison inmates exceeds that of the Soviet gulag system just a decade into recovering from the devastation wrought by WW2.

    Lemmitor turbolib: Wow, these are morally equivalent. If you replace the words “fascist comprador looking to resume the brutalization of the working class” with the words “black people” then you tankies are starting to look an awful lot like 4channers!

  • cosecantphi [he/him]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mluntil we meet again!
    6 months ago

    lmao this lemmitors comparing Hexbear users to 4channers shit never gets old. When you liberals meet someone far to your left it must really break your brain for you to lump us in with fascists.

    You know what I almost never see referred to as edgy out of hand? People who don’t want to fully abolish the US prison system, which to this day kills far more people far more often than the Soviet gulag system did shortly after the end of WW2. And that’s really strange considering the US prison system is designed from the ground up to maintain a pool of slave labor by incarcerating racial minorities on bullshit drug offenses. Personally, I’d much rather prison be used to keep dangerous reactionaries from causing trouble while they’re being reeducated.

  • cosecantphi [he/him]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mluntil we meet again!
    6 months ago

    Talking to someone who justifies this kinda shit is always a trip. They’ll say that people who aren’t earning a living wage just need to work harder and pick up a marketable skill to improve their situation. But you can simultaneously get them to agree that many of these low wage “unskilled” jobs need to exist for society to continue functioning, so which fucking is it?

    The answer is that the capitalist parasites and their horde of boot lickers believe it’s totally acceptable for there to exist an underclass of human beings born to work until their bodies give out for the enrichment of their superior employer.

    They can’t afford to live a dignified life doing the shit I need them to do? That’s fine, just toss 'em into the hole when they stop working and replace them with the next generation.

    Honestly man, I’m getting real sick and tired of pretending to be above violent retribution when it comes to these people. My blood fucking boils each and every time I need to look my boss in the eye and pretend to smile as they say farcical shit like “we’re all a family here” or “let us know if there’s anything you need” while paying me exactly the minimum wage and hiring the exact number of employees it takes for them to avoid giving any of us enough hours to qualify for benefits.

    Anyway, Stalin had the right idea with gulags, and we should bring those back. Thanks for coming to my TED talk

  • This is a more general question, but how do corporations send cease and desist letters to randos on the internet who use copyrighted material in fan art that they don’t sell? Like, wouldn’t they need to literally dox you first in order to get an address to serve papers to?

    And even in cases where people do sell the art, it’s usually commissioned stuff, especially when it comes to adult content, right? I can’t see how Nintendo would extract evidence from between the artist and patron in order to make an accusation.

  • Well the good news is that Proxima has at least one terrestrial planet in its habitable zone, and that planet has a mass of between 1.1 and 1.2 times Earth’s mass. It’s commonly referred to as Proxima b.

    Now the bad news. Yeah Proxima b is in Proxima’s habitable zone. But that tells us almost nothing because both Venus and Mars are also considered inside the Sun’s habitable zone, albeit at the edges.

    On the other hand, just Proxima being a red dwarf poses a lot of unexpected problems for the development of life on Proxima b. Red dwarfs output tiny amounts of heat compared to sun-like stars, so their habitable zone is much closer in proportionately. It’s actually kind of impressive: Proxima b orbits Proxima at 1/10th the distance Mercury orbits the Sun. This means Proxima looks absolutely huge from its habitable zone, much, much larger than the sun looks from Earth.

    That’s crazy considering Proxima’s diameter is really only 14% of the Sun’s.

    At these short distances, tidal effects become huge, and they continuously help bleed angular momentum from the planet until the system reaches equilibrium where the planet is tidally locked to the star. And this process happens fast after formation, within a few million years tops. So Proxima b almost certainly has no day/night cycle. The lit side will be scorched, and the dark side will be frozen. The only suitable area for the development of life would be a thin strip around the planet on the day/night terminator that appears frozen in time.

    Another problem with red dwarf stars is that they are somewhat surprisingly extremely, violently active in comparison to sun-like stars. Sometimes the things spontaneously decrease in brightness by 50 percent for months on end, sometimes they become twice as bright as they should be in a matter of minutes. They throw off these massive, dangerous flares and coronal mass ejections far more often than the Sun does, causing planetary magnetospheres to deflect and thereby enable atmosphere loss as charged particles from the stellar wind sand blast the shit out of a planet’s unprotected upper atmosphere. And since the distances are so small, there is a much higher chance you get directly hit by such an event.

    Unfortunately we probably won’t be finding out whether any of this is truly the case for Proxima b any time soon because we don’t have instruments capable of gathering any more data from the planet. Usually astronomers use spectroscopy to determine an exoplanet’s atmospheric composition. It relies on comparing the star’s natural light to that same light after it passes through a planet’s atmosphere. Some wavelengths will be missing, and those tell you what chemicals and elements must’ve been present. Unfortunately that only works if the planet passes in front of its host star from our perspective, and Proxima b’s orbit doesn’t allow for that. So I’m not sure if pursuing this planet any further would be worthwhile, unfortunately

  • I feel exactly the same way. I occasionally need to use reddit for a few hobby subs, and every time I do I get sick of it faster and faster. You know how Hexbear can sometimes be a bit antsy and rude when a new user comes in to ask a political question because it’s at times hard to tell if they are genuinely curious or if it’s actually a wrecker doing the “just asking questions” thing on a sensitive issue here?

    Well, reddit is billion times worse than that because this same type of interaction happens on every subreddit on any topic you could possibly think of no matter how low the stakes are. If you don’t know something, you better keep that to yourself because asking about it is going to produce a flood of reddit cretins downvoting your post and talking about how much of an idiot you are. And lord help you if you have a disagreement about something with them, they will rip apart your argument with literally zero charitable interpretation, assuming you meant everything you said in the literal worst possible way, often to the point they are shadow boxing with shit you clearly never said.

  • Even if I took for granted the horrible lib assumption that Democrats and Republicans are not fundamentally two arms of the same party, this rhetoric still wouldn’t make the slightest lick of goddamned sense. All the Blue MAGA “vote blue no matter who” shit is incomprehensibly poorly thought out. Why the hell would you be actively telling the Democrats they unconditionally have your vote? Do you think they are your friends? Do you actually believe they care even an iota about your rights and well-being if you aren’t rich? You are literally just loudly telegraphing that they do not need to worry about actually representing your interests.

  • Absolutely correct. I’m really pissed that Putin is once again getting away with election fraud in the US. He used his vast bot network of Russian trolls to propagandize just the right people, resulting in Hillary Clinton being kept off the ballot for 2024. I will not allow genocidal Russia to dictate the course of our democracy, so I’m going to write in Hillary Clinton when I get my ballot in November. If all these genocide denying tankies on Hexbear weren’t positioned next to conservatives on the fish hook model, they’d all do the same.