This is my primary account. All content contributions should only be coming from this account.

Other accounts owned by me are strictly for moderation purposes, and they are:

[email protected]

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  • 51 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Sure, I did make a couple comments between today and yesterday, including this one, so I’m not sure where the “gotcha” is here.

    I signed in yesterday to check how a deletion script of mine would work and decided to scroll around. Yesterday I saw a social security thread that was some news I didn’t come across yet, and today I saw this thread in my list of active threads as I tabbed back and it piqued my interest.

    If you’re curious about my future activity:

    • In a day or two I’ll be making an announcement post in an announcements community saying I have a tool to help purge user posts
    • In about a week-10 days I’ll make a final “hey! this instance is shutting down real soon!”

  • I’m not a fan of raising it but you’re just incorrect and ought to look into how this works.

    You can start pulling benefits out at 62 but you can collect more per month the longer you wait.

    There is nothing stopping you from deciding at age 62 to start collecting if you’re fine with the lower amount.

    Next, the amount provided is never promised. You pay into Social Security for current benefit recipients and Social Security gives you an estimated amount of benefits you may see. This is called out many times, and I implore you to utilize the information on its site effectively.

    Here’s the disclaimer:

    We can’t provide your actual benefit amount until you apply for benefits. And that amount may differ from the retirement estimates because:  …

    • Your estimated benefits are based on current law. The law governing benefits amounts may change. Congress has made changes to the law in the past and can do so at any time.

  • Edit: I’m an idiot and can’t read: I thought this was referring to backfiring on the reps, not TikTok. Original comment remains below:

    The BBC should settle down lol, it didn’t backfire. Some group of aides took 900 calls, probably tallied it up on a few sticky notes, and passed them to a rep who tossed it in a bin.

    1. it unanimously passed committee (!!!)

    2. it’s practically certain to pass the house

    3. it’s practically certain to pass the senate

    4. it’s guaranteed to be signed by biden

  • cosmic_slate@dmv.socialtopolitics @lemmy.worldState of the Union Megapost!
    4 months ago

    I genuinely am curious where you’re living that everyone’s having a hard time putting a roof over their head. The stats simply don’t match this narrative in the overwhelming majority of areas in the US.

    This outrageous hyperbole that you repeat day-in and day-out is just unproductive and, quite frankly, insulting to anyone wanting meaningful political discussion here.

    Commenting the same things over and over on a political forum isn’t going to change anything.

  • cosmic_slate@dmv.socialtopolitics @lemmy.worldState of the Union Megapost!
    4 months ago

    Considering the literal hundreds of other poorly reasoned comments you make on here…

    Biden was never a progressive president. He wasn’t running on anything close to a progressive platform. I’m not sure why in this, or literally a hundred of your other comments here that get responded to by others, is still a surprise.