dRLY [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2021

  • I am a cis white man, so I want to be clear that I am not saying that I know any better, or think that I know the very real fears and concerns that the trans (or traaaaaaaannnnnnnns) men/women or other LGBTQIA+ folks have. Just saying my honest and hopefully helpful opinions.

    I would highly advise that anyone that is stuck where they are for whatever reasons, to arm themselves and see if there are any LGBTQIA+ and/or leftist gun/self-defense orgs near you. I do not say this simply as a pro-gun leftist (which I obviously am). But as a practical matter of having something(s) to protect yourself with if needed. It is much easier to get things now and be getting some ammo over time (doesn’t have to be every pay-check or any more than you can deal with). As opposed to after shit has hit the fan, and right-wing folks most certainly have the advantage already. It is also much better to have time to learn how to use/clean whatever you get.

    If there are groups close or kind of close to you, then it would at least be good to know about them and join if possible. I can only speak of my chapter of the SRA, but we try to have range days to go out as a group of however many people. We have also been starting to get some Stop the Bleed classes for members (still very early on that). One of our members got certification to teach concealed carry classes needed to apply for concealed carry. It is also a good way to not feel alone to find any groups that vibe with your beliefs (no matter self-defense or more generally speaking). Even if you are able to get out of an area, the highly reactionary assholes can still find ways to infect places that are currently more safe than others. Community and shared efforts towards watching out for each other matter and can make life suck less.

  • Honestly it seems to have helped him in weird ways. I even kept forgetting how old he is, and a lot of media also kind of kept talking about him like he was some kind of child. At a certain point, I almost think his team and he himself made sure to not “clean him up.” Just keep the look of some tech startup kid that never puts time into hygiene and too focused on the “go fast, break things” shit. He knew what he was doing, his parents knew (and encouraged it while demanding their cuts), and at least the others that were at the top also knew. This wasn’t just some minor error (aside getting caught and thinking they could get it back). I also see it as the logical next step for what more traditional bank fraud assholes already do. Just done by people that don’t actually know how to be smarter with the greed and the grift.

    Another example of “smart” people in one field thinking they are “smart” about everything. Hubris and the false sense of intelligence (and especially the “fake it till you make it” shit we see in all fields these days) is going to be getting worse as everyone is in the bubble of “yes men” and trying to climb fucking ladders into positions they have no understanding of. But that is more a rant of how capitalism is in for a real real bad crash, and no one knows how to do shit anymore (most importantly the fucks wanting power and money for the clout).

  • That is at least good to see. I am just concerned that if a lot of companies just stay used to not having a user accessible UEFI/BIOS, it will be nothing but like we see on Android devices. They have a recovery that can be booted, but setup to lock out easily changing OS after the OEM ends support after a couple of years. And it doesn’t help that all the major apps are coded to break if you have the gaul to extend the life of your device. Or for wanting to be able to fully access said device to remove or add what you want. Does it mean that ARM/RISC laptops or desktops are going to be treated the same? No, and I hope not. I just really hate how much we are starting to see how much Microsoft, Apple, and Google are going out of their way to hide shit on current releases. So OEMs and the big desktop OS makers locking us out seems very possible to me. Sorry for this rant.

  • Will we ever get the ability to boot live media or OS installers on Arm and/or RISC-V boards/PCs? I really like being able to boot a repair or live OS from thumb drives and install from them. One of the big frustrations I have with my Pi boards is having to flash the OS to even just try one out. Stuff like Tails, Hiren’s, and Rescuezilla are nice to have on x86, but Arm/RISC don’t have that option. Which sucks since Apple has really shown that options other than x86 can do some heavy workloads.

  • That’s what I always get annoyed by when brands known for caffeine get into alcohol. Is it bad to mix a high or kind of high level of caffeine with alcohol given the Four Loko stuff? For sure. But shit is basically false advertising for these things. I don’t drink energy drinks for the taste, and there are much better things to mix if that is the point of this drink. It isn’t even a very high percent in the first place. So calling it “The Beast” is also lame af. I am guessing it is perfect for the teens that already drink a lot of regular Monsters to jump to and looks enough like the non-alcohol versions to be easy to sneak.

  • Well if you want the glass to be able to possibly survive someone breaking into it or being hit by something from outside (which seems they are doing better since that hilarious moment on stage). Then it seems that it would be obvious that it would mean also not being easy to break from inside. Even if it were regular car windows, the shit is hard to just break out from the inside without a pick or something else with a hard point. Also very curious how fast she had to have reversed to not have been able to stop and switch to drive or open the damn door. Not meaning to defend Tesla (and more specifically Musk), but kind of get the feeling she would have met the same fate in some other brand. Very stupid for someone that runs a shipping company to not know why it is important to not just floor it while being so close to a body of water.

    If we are lucky, we will see more CEOs meet similar fates. Put there by their own incompetence and their last moments having nothing but fear. Their wealth and egos being unable to save them.

  • black-pill rant

    I have somehow avoided getting it since the jump, and given how little the corps seem to care at this point. I sometimes kind of hope that somehow my entire department would catch a not place us in the hospital level version all at the same time. As it really feels that the “must slash as many workers as possible to make the most money” corps learned nothing from how badly the “just in time” setup falls apart if shit happens. Even though I have worked the entire time without getting sick, I feel like I (and my co-workers) have just been constantly punished for being well. Even when my department has seen massive churn from losing people so quickly (myself and my manager who was doing the same job as me before getting the title) are the only ones left from the start of things. And have seen at least four full cycles of people coming and going.

    No one is given anything close to actual training, and when we do try to train them, we and they are just pulled in five other directions due to lack of workers in other departments. And the top leaders (the GM and other people right below GM) are the types to freak out if so much as two people stand next to each other and might be a line. Funny thing though is that they often pull people from the front check-out areas. So there are customers that walk up to the check-out and are just so confused as to how to even pay. The drive for artificially making the profit numbers higher needs to cause massive crashes soon. But they all just keep pushing for trying to copy the push for online sales above all else.

    It is never enough, so I really really hope that their greed causes a cascade of failures. If they all want to punish us for even just showing up to work and can purge us at any time. Then I at least want to see the thing they care the most about fall harder. Their profits. I want to see C-suite, board members, and major share holders jump from their offices. And I want to see actual heads removed from those that don’t. And I want to repeat their condescending speeches they gave/give to the workers when they speak of how “we all must make sacrifices.” Would also be nice to force them to watch as we literally pour gas on stacks of money and light it on fire in their last moments.

  • Dude needs to have like 5 more strokes and STFU. The people are making actual demands of Biden and the whole Democratic Party. They have become just so used to just leaning on the “vote blue no matter who” stance and just literally put more effort in attacking voters for making any demands than they ever do when it comes to Republican Party policies that come up for votes. He is a bitch that threatened a jogger with a shotgun and convensed the victim that he had done more good than harm (even though the victim even outright claims that he was lying about all the actions he took with the situation). Fuck him and his false “man of the people” BS! They only ever “care” about shit like reproductive or various civil rights issues when elections come around. And they never even try to make protections for said issues when they have actual power to do so. I just hope the next stroke takes him out, seeing how being mentally unfit for a position of power no longer matters since Biden is being allowed to run again.

  • We have reached the point in capitalism where basically where the “premium” products aren’t even as well put together as cheap ones from decades ago. Not like this is shocking coming from Tesla Motors, but even the newest and top-spec iPhone’s are having staining issues (at least those can keep water out so that is nice). Can’t even do your own repairs without getting permission and losing unrelated features if not buying their parts. Low-end or high-end is meant to just be completely junked and replaced. And somehow still get applauded for combating environmental damages.

  • I would guess that he was maybe hoping (foolishly) to freak out the Dem leadership and elected folks to wake up and break from what they always have done. Which is just always bow to conservatives and act like “bipartisanship” and “norms” are sacred above doing shit their own voters want/need. They saw the way Bernie and people like Stewart are able to get people jazzed-up and even inspire. And they went out of their way to undo all of it in the name of moderate/centrist can kicking. So done with the “we hear you and see you, but our hands are tied by insert excuse” excuse. At this point anyone that thinks Dem leaders are “fixable” and can in any way be trusted to fight for anything are just in the worst levels of denial.

  • They do have a point though about the administration being a big part of an election. But sadly for this person (and the other folks that will use this line of thought), I think that a very large amount of people that are anti-Biden are not fans of his team either. So they are just furthering the arguments of even the anti-Biden Dems that are becoming more and more embarrassed of the party they have blindly supported for so long. Which does open some gaps for leftists to maybe at least flip to Green votes for President, or at least start following the lead of protest movements like the pro-Palestine/ceasefire ones.

    But we have seen how much rot the “blue no matter who” crowd has just ignored for my entire life from late 80’s to now. The masses have been taught to be loud but not know how to do anything. Being fair Republicans aren’t much better but have learned how to scare their established leaders here and there.

  • I don’t know enough of the econ level stuff and there seem to be lots of good answers. I will say that with regards to things like finding treatments for illnesses that don’t impact many people should be better under socialism. As a lot of treatments tend to lose funding due to there being less money in those kinds of illnesses (unless they find a larger use that also still happens to work). And things like game controllers would fall under assistive tools and seem like they would see more efforts.