daisy [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2023


  • A reminder to everyone who got gift cards over the holidays for various pro-Israeli-government business: those businesses alreeady have all that money that was spent on those gift cards. If you throw out those cards, they have that money permanently. If you want to hurt them financially, use those cards. Make them use up their resources.

    Of course that’s only part 1. Part 2 is not to give them any free advertising. So get that Starbucks coffee paid for by gift card. Just make sure to use your own non-branded reusable mug instead. Apply other brand-hiding tactics as appropriate.

    Edit: If you want to gave a basic idea of what any given publicly-traded company has in their coffers for gift cards not yet used, check their public financial statements and look for a line under “liabilities” that reads something like “unearned revenue”. This is cash they have, but have not yet provided service for. Sometimes, like with Starbucks, they’ll be more explicit with the naming and call it “Stored value card liability” or similar phrasing.

  • I just saw the worst movie adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream ever made. It’s set in the modern day, but that’s not at all what I hate about it. I actually kinda like Shakespeare adaptations that vary up the time and place. No, what I hate are the other, for lack of a better term, artistic choices.

    First, Bottom’s head was indeed changed to that of an ass - but not ass in the donkey sense. Ass in the human posterior sense. Yes, you’re looking at a mercifully-not-too-detailed butt for a big chunk of the run time.

    But the worst culprit is about 15 minutes in. An attempt at a Shakespeare meta-joke that’s more irritating than funny. Bottom is at a college, and looking for a specific classroom. He pokes his head into a dark classroom, and sees a man doing the steepled-fingers thing while sitting and watching an old black-and-white adaptation of Midsummer being projected from filmstock. He’s wearing the most stereotypical film-school outfit ever, everything black including the turtleneck shirt. Red rimmed glasses.

    Bottom points to his printed class schedule and nervously asks the man, “Uh, 2-B?”

    The man stands up, and says in a highly refined but not unfriendly manner of speech…

    “Not 2-B.”