arbeitgeber sollten keine politische macht ausüben dürfen
arbeitgeber sollten keine politische macht ausüben dürfen
I’m at the moment quite sick of competetive multiplayergames in general. If you have to resort to malware to thwart cheating in a cost effective way maybe the very Concept of anonymous(as in playing with randoms instead in small communitys on moderated servers) multiplayer itself is flawed
as far as i am aware protonmail is pretty popular. I am hosting my own mail infrastructure but am considering to switch in the long run
I switched a year or so ago and never looked back. there will be issues you need to overcome though. so better start with dualboot before windows 10 is eol
KDE plasma is one of the main reasons the linux desktop is so extremely good for me.
if you think so too, please consider donating to the project
my opinion: it’s not stealing in the Classic sense because if you copy something you don’t take it away from its owner. it might be against the law because intellectual property is a concept.
fairphone Support is really helpful. try it even without warranty if the screw thing doesnt work
for this reason I waited for the Fairphone 5 which is responsive, has an oled display and the components Work without issue. have had it for a year and am looking forward to still using it in 6 years from now
an sich klingt es sinnvoll auf einem alkoholfest, das bewusst auf exzessiven konsum und gegen jede form von moderaten mengen(bier wird in Litern ausgeschenkt) ausgelegt ist, den Mischkonsum von drogen möglichst zu beschränken. der beinahe absurd religiöse hass gegen jede art von nicht alkohol/tabak drogen seitens der behörden und Politik trägt aber echt nicht dazu bei, eine sinnvolle regulierung zu finden.
another advantage of the glorious fairphone
KDE with version 6 is where it’s at. at least for me. youncan use the default or put hours into customizing. gnome is nice, too but bothers me because i want to minimize, maximize and control things like the volume without barriers. but that is personal preference. choose what you Like. if you arent happy or just curious you can always Switch
was für ein schrecklicher tag, lesen zu können
another handheld cripplwd by windows 11 by default
inaccurate. I don’t own a suit or an impressive jawline although I am using fedora
but it is ultimately completely pointless. someone(or rather many someones) made up the OG bible canon and some fanfics are becoming almost canon by being well known. same difference
FDP just doing FDP things. If the concequences weren’t so dire, it would be almost funny to watch how comically bad they are in any and all things concerning the economy
for a while I just hear the line (german)
“rosa biber, biber in gefahr”
when the vocals start, which is a bit weird. otherwise solid main menu track
too big but that doesnt invalidate using linux instead of Windows
i think the biggest issue is that you only can buy it on playstation (for 80€ no less) and epic. I would love to play it but am not willing to pay any money via the epic store which doesnt even have a linux client