• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Considering I learned how to type from playing RuneScape, not from the 4 separate typing classes they put us through, I don’t really think most students would learn tech literacy from public education if they teach I or not. Look at the people complaining that no one taught them how to do their taxes dispute the mathematics required do your taxes being taught to 100% of the US population before they enter high school. It’s not the education system, kids don’t care. The only fix is to kake the kids care, but if you just push them through regardless of their qualifications for the next classes, no one cares if they fail. People would benefit a lot from learning how video games retain players because it’s exactly the same philosophy behind policies like no child left behind. They give out rewards to everyone regualrdless of performance or difficulty of content and people become complacent and comfortable. Unless you give incentive for progression, in this case probably the pressure of not going to the next grade with your peers, everyone will find a spot to spin their tires and do so until they run out of gas or the tire explodes. Meritocracies might not be perfect, but they’re core to a proper education system.

  • Here’s the real kicker. Most algorithms don’t actually differentiate content based on words outside of flagging them to be removed or age restricted. On Twitter or facebook, censoring words has never done anything, but everyone was so convinced that it did, they invented this method of getting around censors that don’t exist. I think it was cnet who just started removing old content so that Google would promote their newer content more, then a Google engineer come out and said that it’s never filtered content based on how “fresh” the sites back catalog is. People though links in tweets would supreas the tweet until one of their devs said it was bunk too.

    Turns out, people make shit up to make sense of what they don’t understand. God will I guess lol.

  • Everyone just assuming they’re going to make another expansion or more raids when they have always announced that there would be more expansions or raids at these showcases, are reducing content cadence, and constantly appeasing the playerbase with bandaid fixes to problems we have been talking about for 3+ years. Really suspicious to not say there will be more expansions but announce the whole next year of content.