• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • donuts@kbin.socialtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWTF Joe
    24 days ago

    What are our standards? Letting an unlimited number of people into the country per day without any sort of legal process or system? I genuinely don’t understand what people here are arguing for…

    The ACLU has no legal leg to stand on here and are just doing performative politics to raise donations. Despite what libertarian “sovereign citizens” would tell you, last time I checked civil liberties don’t include being allowed to travel and live wherever you want without any sort of legal process. Putting a rather generous upper limit of 2,500/day for asylum claims (from non-port border crosses only) isn’t a violation of anybody’s rights.

  • donuts@kbin.socialtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWTF Joe
    24 days ago

    I would ask ozma the same thing I asked about marijuana policy

    Your mistake is thinking that return2ozma is a regular person looking for a nuanced policy debate within the parameters of reality, and not just (at best) some guy who spends every waking hour posting bullshit on lemmy or (at worst) a sock puppet knowingly posting bad-faith arguments as a form of political propaganda.

    I don’t know for sure, but I do know that someone who has posted 2550 threads in 11 months (~8 threads/day on average) lives online and should be generally disregarded by any normal, rational person. Ask yourself what kind of person has that much free time to post on reddit/lemmy/social media…

  • donuts@kbin.socialtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWTF Joe
    24 days ago

    Today’s executive order doesn’t conflict with any of those things.

    In fact, all it does it put a temporary limit on extralegal border-crossing asylum claims to 2,500 people per day. So it does not, in fact, “shut down” asylum claims, nor does it increase deportations of people who have been living here.

    President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed an executive order that will temporarily shut down asylum requests once the average number of daily encounters tops 2,500 between official ports of entry

    Is the United States supposed to take in an unlimited number of unauthorized border-crossers every day?

    Is that the way it’s going to go down? The right falsely accuses the left of being for “open borders”, and the left’s response is to actually just take the bait and make that their stance?

    Because if that’s the new progressive litmus test (it’s hard to keep up since there seems to be a new one every day) then we have well and truly jumped the shark. Even progressive hero FDR turned away tens of thousands of Jewish Holocaust refugees:

    In 1933, and again in 1937, the Roosevelt administration modified the “likely to become a public charge” restriction, but kept it in place. German Jews attempting to immigrate to the United States in the 1930s were still often rejected for economic reasons.

    As a result of these legal and administrative obstacles to immigration, less than 20% of the German quota was filled during FDR’s first term. The Roosevelt administration focused on domestic problems, chiefly combatting the Great Depression. Though Americans certainly had information about the threat Nazism posed to German Jews, few could have imagined the persecution would escalate to mass murder. FDR did not take significant action to aid German Jews, either by ordering a diplomatic protest or by publicly supporting increased immigration.

    Some people on this website who claim to be “on the left” are now just inventing shit to be mad at Biden for, I guess either because they are really sockpuppet Trump supporters trying to incite division amongst Democrats, or maybe because they simply don’t give a fuck if fascism takes over the US.

  • I’m not so sure…

    I went into this trial knowing that it was the least of Trump’s crimes and thinking that some brainwashed cultist would turn it into a hung jury. I was wrong, and instead we ended up with 34 consecutive guilty verdicts in less than 12 hours.

    Now Trump is going to be sentenced by a judge who he has repeatedly called disgraceful and corrupt after weeks of sleep shitting through the trial. He has shown zero remorse and zero respect for the law. So other than the mythology of Teflon Don, why should the judge sentence him with anything less than he deserves?

  • Stopping gun violence is what the Gaza protestor is trying to to do.

    Because Palestinians don’t fucking shoot and kill people…? Way to jump the shark.
    Hamas murdered more people in 1 day than every American school shooting combined.
    Do you listen to yourself? What the fuck are you even talking about?

    Banning bigotry? Yep, same

    Hamas is an Islamic terrorist group founded on an explicit call for genocide against Israeli Jews.
    They aren’t flying rainbow flags or celebrating pride month this year, either.

    Save democracy? How?

    By voting against a self-described “dictator” who happens to also be an authoritarian kleptocrat who calls every election he’s ever been in “rigged”, pressured Secretaries of States to just make up votes, coordinated false electors to overthrow the election, pressured his VP to call the certification process into question and who generally doesn’t believe in the peaceful transition of power.

    I’m not gonna ask you to suck Biden’s cock or anything, feel free to dislike his handling of the Israeli-Palestinian war (a war he neither started nor wanted to happen in the first place) if you want. It’s my view that America’s actions so far have actually saved thousands of lives in the region, and it’s an objective fact that Biden has delivered more aide to Gazan civilians than anyone else. (Don’t let that stop you from being pissed off at the wrong guy.)

    But, seeing everything we’ve seen over the last 10 years, are you seriously going to deny that Trump and the Republicans are an existential threat to American democracy?

    Supporting genocide is wrong, period

    The Palestinians aren’t innocent in this either–they (and the Arab League) threw the first punch back in 1948, and they (Hamas) threw the first punch on October 7th of last year. It takes 2 to tango. Both sides of this fight have been complicit in doing evil shit building up to the conflict we have today. When people say things like “Palestine should be free from the river to the sea”, how can you read that as anything other than a call for genocide against Israeli jews? Hamas surrendered any facade of legitimacy when they conducted a terrorist attack on Israel last year (intentionally killing more people in a single day than Israel has been killing in Gaza on average). Hamas has fired something like 10,000 rockets at Israel (and that’s not counting the attacks from Iran, Hezbollah, etc.), so how many thousands more people do you think would be dead today if Israel didn’t have the capability to defend against those kinds of attacks?

    The only peaceful, non-genocidal solution to this ~80 year war is a two-state solution in which Israelis and Palestinians learn to put aside their mutual hatred, dis-empower the extremists who run their societies, and coexist. Neither Hamas nor Netenyahu are capable of delivering this. Hamas will soon pay the ultimate price for their cowardice and terrorism (as they should), and hopefully the Israeli people will see that Netenyahu has failed to protect them and democratically remove him from power.

  • Let’s imagine Trump wins in 2024. He’s leading in a number of polls and Biden’s popularity is down, so there’s a REAL chance…

    Who exactly do you think is going to hold him accountable for anything he does at home or abroad?

    Congress? (Maybe in some kind of weird scenario where Trump wins the presidency but loses the House and Senate. Not very likely…)

    The courts? (Trump has personally appointed 33% of the current SCOTUS, and we have seen that they will tie themselves into knots to do his bidding. Another 33% of SCOTUS are other highly political conservative judges who have proven to be on Trump’s side. And then we have to consider that Trump has also appointed a huge number of judges at every different level of our legal system. They aren’t going to do anything to him, ever.)

    And if Netenyahu was to kill every last man, woman, and child in Gaza, do you think a Trump administration would push back even in the slightest? This is a guy who sides with Putin and Kim Jung Un. He does not give a fuck about humanity or anybody’s life other than his own.

    I once had hope that someone, somewhere would hold Trump accountable for things like January 6th, but I guess hope doesn’t spring eternal after all because I’m just not seeing it. Trump’s right about one thing: he could shoot a guy on 5th avenue in broad daylight and nothing would happen to him. One third of this country would be evil enough to still vote for him, and another third of the country would be to stupid to hold him accountable.

  • If you’re just abstractly posting about shit on the internet, sure. But if a wildfire burns my neighborhood down (a real possibility where I live, even now, and increasingly likely as the climate slips into the irredeemable zone over the next decade or so) I’m not going to be thinking about global politics and wars happening in countries that I will never step foot in. That would be borderline pathological.

    I’m just being honest. You need to live a life of privilege to have the time, freedom, and emotional capacity to worry about what is happening in Gaza. And, should Donald Trump become president again, he will do whatever he feels like doing in Gaza, nobody will hold him accountable (as nobody seems willing to do right now for the things he’s done in the past), and I’m not going to have the willpower to care because, mark my words, WE will have real problems of our own.

    If you want to see what unchecked genocide, mass civil unrest, climate disaster, and American autocracy looks like, by all means, allow Donald Trump to take over our country. 2024 is our last stand, and what happens next is a matter of individual survival.

  • Counterpoint: If Biden can pass the biggest infrastructure bill since the New Deal, the biggest climate bill ever, erase tens of billions of dollars of student debt, pull us out of the pandemic economy without a major crash, put together a global coalition to help Ukraine fight against Russian imperialism, reschedule cannabis, etc., then I’m going to blame the stupid voters for not (a) recognizing his achievements and (b) not recognizing the threat that Trump and the Republicans pose to our democracy and the global climate.

    Biden has a razor-thin majority in the Senate and has no control of the House. Trump has already personally appointed 33% of the SCOTUS, and has another 66% eating out of the palm of his hand. And people are going to hand our country to the Republicans again (even though they are openly speaking out against democracy every fucking day) because… why…? Because there isn’t peace in the middle east and somehow that’s Biden’s fault?

  • Nobody is starting a global thermonuclear war over Gaza. Iran doesn’t have a capability, NK doesn’t give a fuck, and if Russia was going to elevate the world into a nuclear war they would have already done so over Ukraine.

    Meanwhile climate change is here and American democracy is in peril, and these are things that actually affect people in this country and the entire world.

    If Trump wins, Gaza is his to do as he pleases. If we didn’t hold him accountable for his crimes against the United States, I have serious doubts that we’re going to hold him accountable for crimes in the middle east.