fanbois [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2021

  • I think it’s a genre that was incredibly locked into it’s time. The sound, the vibe, the aesthetics all coagulated into this peak Y2K moment, where it looked like it’s the future… And then basically it was a musical blip, apart from a few bangers and Linkin Park as one the most successful bands of all time. Is there even a (known) band in last ten years that would call what they make “nu metal”? Even Linkin Parks music sounded nothing like their early stuff after 2007 or so.

  • Nuclear power is literally more expensive at this point than renewables. No, you can’t keep using the shitty, cracking, deadly waste producing nuclear plants of the past, not even the power companies want that, and building new ones takes over 10 years, not counting all the planning and beaurocracy you have to go through. And to become CO2 neutral after all the excavation, construction and mining necessary takes another decade. Nuclear power plants are MASSIVE engineering undertakings.

    Meanwhile modern windmills can be mass-produced right now and take like 5 years depending on their placement to be both cost and CO2 neutral. After that it’s LITERALLY free energy for a good 30 years. And they become cheaper and bigger and more efficient every single year. And btw if you ever pull out an article or a calculation that is older than a year for any comparison, you are dealing with OLD data. They have become far more efficient and flexible in their placement and will likely continue to do so.

    The anti-nuclear protests were completely right. Stop playing the people who wanted a safer world without nuclear waste and incidents against the modern climate movement.

    TL;DR: Wheels on windmill go brrrr, nuclear power is not a short term solution and never has been.

  • Feels like this is the only lesson from this.

    The motherfucker was a real believer in… whatever variation of a liberal-fash ego trip he made up for himself. The russian state and judicial system fucked with him at every point of his attempt to stir the public or participate in politics and for some fucking reason he kept pushing his luck.

    Then they poisoned him with chemical weapon grade poison and almost killed him, then he got offered one last possible exit from ANGELA MERKEL herself. And he just went back. Commited to the bit till the end.

  • But if a game does provide a win state, then I think that carries with it the implicit promise that the win state is reachable if the player demonstrates sufficient skill.

    Almost all rougeliktes I’ve ever played, did that. An actual inevitable fail state is very very rare. It’s always about juggling odds, making decisions, balancing risks and very rarely does one play optimal. The challenge is that the difficulty curve can be all over the place. This monster was easy to beat, but you don’t know if the next one is the run killer.

    Slay the Spire feels like a unforgiving game if you don’t get your good cards and relics at Ascension 1. Except of course that the best players can beat Ascension 20 (about 5 times harder I’d say) with 50+% consistency and would almost never fail at low difficulties.

    DCSS is full of random bullshit, getting shafted, out of depth monsters, bad loot etc. Yet people have insane winstreaks on even weak combinations.

    Listening to a good commentated run by a highly skilled player always reset my perspective on everything I thought was bullshit or inevitable. I am the problem and I can solve it by improving.

  • I’m not a avid league player, but as far as I know Flash has been mandatory in competitive on like 99% of champs for pretty much most of leagues existence.

    Blink is just a different approach on the topic of instant movement skills.

    Flash is free and has no downsides, but is rather short and has a long ass cooldown.

    Blink Dagger is fairly expensive, can be disabled through player damage, gives zero stats but has long range and a reasonably short cooldown.

    Both fundamentally shape their game for the better, because without them the game would be a lot slower and less spectacular. Probably 80-90% of all “greatest highlights of dota” scenes feature a blink and I presume it’s vice versa in league.

  • While they aren’t immortal, there is something deeply unnatural about these zombies still walking the earth. Yes, the best medicine that money can buy is quite powerful, but cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and various other degenerative diseases are so incredibly common at their age and are mostly irreversible.

    My wonderful grandmother lies, bed ridden, barely conscious in a care home, waiting for the end. And these freaks stumble around, withering before our eyes, yet always getting up again to inject a little more desperation and destruction into the world. It’s so bleak and I don’t know if I can stand another round of this charade.