I have never met anyone who has read Alastair Reynolds’ Revelation Space series. It’s one of my favourite sci-fi’s and I can’t even get someone I know to read it, everyone thinks it’s boring :)
Professional industrial and jewelry designer (here’s my Bēhance portfolio), hard-sci-fi enjoyer, cat lover and procrastinator. Started a few communities on kbin: Urban Details, Industrial Design and Jewelry Design, feel free to join if you find those interesting.
You can tip me if you like or use something I made.
I have never met anyone who has read Alastair Reynolds’ Revelation Space series. It’s one of my favourite sci-fi’s and I can’t even get someone I know to read it, everyone thinks it’s boring :)
How come no one mentioned it yet?
Guys, check out this short film :)
This is amazing :)
Of course they do, better than ever actually. Google OpenType ligatures, for example. You can even use those on the web using CSS.
Some fonts have hundreds of different ligatures.
Both are broken as far as I know. First one hasn’t updated for years, and recent reviews for the second one claim it crashes on startup.
Are there any good iOS Tor browsers? All that I’ve seen are either shit or require some insane subscription.
It’s what should have been expected though. Lots of people check it out during the hype, and later only those who actually found it useful/interesting/fun remain.
Most of the hype-launched services should have similar numbers.
Likely? I feel like I’ve read several news stories confirming arms shipments from China here and there. Weren’t there?
I don’t understand how Chinese room is a valuable argument. To me, while the person inside the room doesn’t understand Chinese, the system room-person-instructions does. You don’t argue that you don’t understand your language because none of your individual neurons understand it.
I don’t claim that chatGPT “understands” the language, I just don’t think that this argument applies in general.
Idk, that’s more of a “not yet finished” thing rather than “failed” imo
I guess that depends on your definition of a flamethrower. To me, a flamethrower is primarily a weapon. And what you are describing is a roofing torch. Googling it now, I can’t seem to find anyone calling them “roofing flamethrowers”. Flame gun — sometimes — but never actually a flamethrower.
So the legality is probably an issue with not being specific enough with the tool/weapon differentiation. I don’t think actual flamethrowers should be legal.
We were doing stupid shit with regular propane torches as kids. Doesn’t mean those were flamethrowers tho.
That’s a stupid reason for banning people, but weren’t those just propane torches? You can buy one at any hardware store and tape it to a nerf gun to make a similar toy. While they do “throw flames”, I wouldn’t really call those flamethrowers, which usually utilize liquid fuel and are actually weapons.
Oh right, didn’t consider some may remain sealed, that’s cool.
Out of weird drinks, I’m betting on kykeon, an LSD-like psychedelic drink made from ergot-infected barley :)
Considering that it sank like 2000 years ago, would there be any detectable molecular traces left to figure out amphoras’ contents? Or would everything be destroyed by now?
I’ve had this happen on kbin quite a few times as well, but even if it redirects to a new page with an error message, it always saves the text in the input field. Haven’t lost a single letter once.
Does it work differently for you? At what point does it lose some of your content?
I had a CT scan after an accident, and no one told me what contrast is going to feel like, the nurse simply injected me without any explanation.
And omfg, that might’ve been one of the scariest 30 seconds of my life. It felt like I was injected with straight up lava. My whole body was burning from the inside, and I felt like I would just spontaneously combust any second. It very quickly subsided though and there was no negative reaction overall, just higher sensitivity than average. But holy shit, I would want to know about stuff like this beforehand.
At this rate, he’ll also copy musk’s advertiser turnaround and changes in company valuation
It’s in development btw