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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I agree with the above convo you’ve been having, but your comment made me think, so I’ll play a little devils advocate here: do we want 1000 “I agree.” comments following each other comment? Not really. There needs to be a simple way to say “I like this but don’t have anything to add”. An upvote accomplishes this.

    As for downvotes, yes they need to be more than “I disagree”. Something akin to “I don’t think this contributes”. I liked someone’s suggestion that we need more than the binary up and down. Maybe a “troll” vote too.

  • Your error is in thinking they “thwart” the crime. They don’t. They punish after the fact. That’s still upholding the law(punishment for breaking it) without protecting a person. There is no law that says they have to put their lives in danger, so they’re not breaking any laws when they don’t intervene.

    It’s not mental gymnastics. It’s that laws are specific so as not to be too broad and overreaching and in this case, there is a massive Blindspot that has not only been allowed to exist, but has been further codified in legal precedent.

    “Protect and serve” is a PR statement. It is not a codified law anywhere.

  • Protests actually weren’t MLKs strongest tool, and he himself admits it. Getting arrested for doing something and then challenging it in court now that you have standing was his biggest tool. Most of the protests were just a means to get arrested. It’s revisionist history that says it was the protests specifically that worked because it’s better to emphasize the tactics that didnt work than to point out what actually did and risk a reoccurrence.