• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’m imagining a scenario where you’re working on a feature that changes the DB state (e.x. introduces a new DB migration that changes some columns) and the bug is on an unrelated part of the code from your feature. In this hypothetical, going back to the state of the upstream branch would make your local environment non functional, and the bug is on an unrelated part of the code. Fairly specific scenario but hey, you can worktree for that. It’s not particularly thorough, though.

  • For the record, I don’t think focusing solely on taking money away from the richest people is the only way to lift people out of poverty, I think there are many factors that create poverty and that there being billionaires at all is a contributor to it due to the power they wield with it. Mind you, I don’t really include millionaires in the “wealthy” category here, I’m talking about billionaires - those with many orders of magnitude more wealth than somebody you’d just consider “rich”. I’m certainly not against feeding, housing, and educating people and contribute to efforts to do so locally. I was thinking more along the lines of hypothetically long term eradicating poverty, not how to realistically approach treating it today so that’s probably where our wires got crossed.