@[email protected] ooh the Everdrive is on sale, so this is definitely happening
Admin of mastodo.neoliber.al, techmod of reddit.com/r/neoliberal. Seattleite and Linux sysadmin irl. Liberal carfree vegan interested in VR, electronica, FOSS, astronomy, urbanism, cats, and memes (he/him)
Profile picture is a sad cat hitting juul, banner is a photo of the Pacific Northwest coast as seen from space
@[email protected] ooh the Everdrive is on sale, so this is definitely happening
@[email protected] Understandable, on top of being tedious, it’s also by far the most challenging temple to complete
@[email protected] The game has 120 stars to collect, but you’re allowed to beat the main boss with 70 stars, so that is essentially the “no major glitches” category. 16, 1, and 0 star all involve major sequence-breaking glitches of some sort. The glitches to complete 16 star are reasonably easy, fun to perform, fun to watch, and result in a 15-20 minute speedrun so it’s the most popular category. 1 and 0 star are very similar with brutally difficult glitches that aren’t fun so it’s much less popular
@pruwybn not the brand of car I expected lol
@[email protected] I’ll have to try those out some time! Currently I’m having a lot of fun replaying these games on my childhood N64 and controller. It’s kinda dumb because it is a worse version of the game, but I’m feeling the nostalgia