So, Anderson Cooper IS a CIA agent or what?
I agree democracts can be cringe and are not much better than cons, but fuck man they are better than Trump.
Besides, Shawn fain is planning a General Strike in 2028. Can’t wait for that.
So, Anderson Cooper IS a CIA agent or what?
I agree democracts can be cringe and are not much better than cons, but fuck man they are better than Trump.
Besides, Shawn fain is planning a General Strike in 2028. Can’t wait for that.
Nighttime rain just reminds me of Fight Club
I looked Caitlin up for 50 seconds. Went to her website. She seems like a huge Tankie with her posts. (Anderson Cooper is a CIA agent.) Fuk, that is some weird lefty paranoid shit, even for me.
Anyway, she can cope and seethe that the country is headed in a better direction.
All for a pun. Rip.
Does not seem like a Bad Religion at all!
Wait, daily driving FREEDOS!? I could see that happening in like 2007, but even after 2011???
Don’t get me wrong, I have used FreeDOS on occasion to play old sierra games on a modern computer bare metal edition, but holy shit, I can’t imagine DAILY DRIVING IT!!
I thought you guys made up a person to satirize Linux reviewers. I did not know this person was real until I looked him up. Didn’t go much futhur than checking out his name existing tho.
One more child falls for the Apple Industry propaganda once more!
It means he has to install TailsOS on his main computer as his daily driver from now on.
It’s a Satanist psyop, anon. Duh!
It should also bee a cool drink or a bag of chips.
> GTK girl is working out next to me
As an American™ Westoid, I have to agree
I guess Lures are like Camouflage. You don’t think they will work until they are put to use.
Been playing Pacific Drive. It’s a survival horror(ish) game where you drive through Western Washington in an abandoned government experiment paranormal area that is always changing. And you get to drive a 1960’s station wagon, and make repairs and build new parts. Pretty fun so far. (and intense)
Found the milk industry guerilla propagandist!
For only $2.55 as well!
Asking the real questions over here
I should have clarified, sorry. Caitlin. Maybe she has some good takes, but I am more cautious about certain anti-american leftist rhetoric, and one of them is calling random people CIA agents. I used to be really into this type of stuff, but ever since the Ukrainian war and how the Russian propaganda uses anti-american rhetoric to use as fuel for their war, I have just been more critical of it.