• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m currently using nixvim, or at least attempting to, I was previously just using lazygit outside my nix config, but now I’m trying to very slowly create a config I like, but its very slow, and I’ve got some weird padding issues with neovim and alacritty that I’m trying to solve first.

    I hadn’t heard of nixneovim, I think once I’m in a settled state I’ll take a look at it, I just don’t want to be pilling more change on top of an unstable base at the moment.

    P.s. I probably should have stated I’m fairy new to neovim in general, so still learning which plugins I like.

  • I think I saw something in the mirror saying we’ve reignited our interest, but personally don’t believe it. I think they are using Utds name to get a bigger few elsewhere.

    But in the case of it being true, I’m not sure I like it, we desperately need cover for Case and Amrabat would be perfect whilst also be able to play in a number of other roles.

    I’d rather we look at getting a second striker over a 3rd midfielder this window (assuming we sign Amrabat)

  • Absolutely loved this episode, Boimler getting wrapped in the cables when jerry-rigging the sensors had me in tears; and the Riker as he swung his leg over the saddle brilliant bit of improv made even funnier knowing Drakes directed this.

    They managed to tone down the lower deckers slighter whilst still having their full personalities come through.

    Pikes getting more exacerbated with them throughout the episode was well done, and the amount of physical comedy I’m running out of superlatives for this episode.

    It was just brilliant, easily my favourite of the current era.

    Edit. Just wanted to add, loved seeing the LD uniform in love action; thought it translated really well.