loaExMachina [any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2022


  • I strongly agree! They have such delicate grey pattern, plus these iridescent feathers, and these orange eyes… I’ve been trying to tell people that and I was appalled to see they didn’t seem to undertsand what I was saying. In one specific instance, I was pointing at the pigelon and saying “Look, isn’t it beautiful? See these patterns? See this rainvow on its collar?” and the guy just said “I don’t know, it’s just a pigeon” . I’m starting to think many people don’t actually look at pigeons. They don’t see their shape their feathers or their colors. They quickly identify it as a pigeon, and immediately attach to them all the ideas they’ve been learning to attach to them : Dirty, invasive, pests… It’s like their not seeing an image, just a whiteboard with a bunch of words, attached to more words. Like these overly labelled comics, but only the labels. They look at things and identity them, but don’t see them.

  • I haven’t posted or commented on Reddit since over a month, but I haven’t deleted my account yet. I have consulted Reddit a few times since, notably when it showed up in the results for a question I was looking up, or to see the posts from the r/Askhistorians weekly roundup (of which I follow the RSS feed). While the way I’ve been using Reddit lately doesn’t require an account, I’m unsure of whether I intend to delete mine; partly because if for whatever reason, I needed to post a question somewherebit will get a big audience, that’s the biggest I can currently get, and partly because I don’t want all my great posts and comments of the past to be lost to history…