• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Sort of yes. So, currently over web browser you can download to the server but not to the local device. Think of server downloads as storing potentially to something like your NAS. Whereas local downloads of course being downloads to your local device for when you don’t have an internet connection.

    The client version which runs on Mac, Linux, and windows currently can do local downloads and in the very short term a proper ios and Android app will be releasing which also does local downloads. I’m finishing up some layout issues, and some fast tracked features that people requested and then the mobile app will be top priority. So coming soon!

  • Hey! Thanks for checking it out.

    1. Not yet, but postgres support is coming in the very short term. I have been working to get it working and will have an update soon with support for it. I’ll actually be on vacation for the next week, but I would anticipate 2 weeks before I have postgres working and a new version posted.

    2. Excellent point. I had forgotten to add that to the compose file. When you download locally it adds files to /opt/pypods/downloads inside the container. So you could mount:


      • /home/user/pinepods/downloads:/opt/pypods/downloads

    I’ll add that to the compose file. Thanks for pointing that out.

    As for layout, currently server downloads put them all in one downloads folder mass, however, on the client when downloaded locally it lays them out with podcastname, episodename structure. I’ll get the server portion of that implemented as well.