
  • 48 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2020


  • Russia is the real source of fascism. As I mentioned elsewhere, today I met with an old colleague who lives in Russia. He repeats any/all political propaganda he sees on TV. Somewhere in-between his going on and on about how Obama’s administration is comprised of a bunch of homosexuals, he mentions at one point that the Ukrainian government is full of Nazis. Then the next thing he starts talking about right after that is that western civilization is coming to an end because whites are not reproducing enough and as a result are being replaced by non-whites in USA and Europe.

    Really it was an intriguing though horrifying confusion of ideas, courtesy of Russia.

  • I’m sorry to see people somewhere on the Internet coming out against Lemmy. First of all, let me say that I sympathize with the China issue. I’m a Muslim and I have been concerned about the Uyghurs for a very long time. This is not some bandwagon that I am jumping on, and I have ties to the region as well. I moderate the Uyghur sub on Reddit, created #uyghur on matrix.org, and on lemmy.ml I have registered communities like c/uyghur and c/xinjiang. I did that mainly to promote the welfare of Uyghurs and guard against whitewashing of the situation in Xinjiang. Obviously I am pro-Uyghur, and I feel that the admins of lemmy.ml have been gracious enough to respect me as a user and a mod. I have also not seen them engage in censorship of opposing viewpoints on this issue, and we have at least once that I can remember disagreed on China’s Uyghur policy here on the site. This did not result in any problem.

    Please don’t cancel Lemmy, because the software is amazing and the creators really are nice. I don’t have to agree with them on politics in China. As long as they’re not crazy about it, the situation is manageable. So far they’ve always been fair.

    Even suppose that one day they implement a policy on lemmy.ml that says they won’t allow anyone to post pro-Uyghur things. So what? It’s their Lemmy instance, they can decide what’s on it. I can go start my own instance. I really don’t think lemmy.ml has any obligation to do what the community wants. They’ve already done enough by creating the software and making it FOSS.

    Besides, you know how many people posted pro-Uyghur content on c/uyghur since I created it? None. So if you’re concerned about how the issue is being represented on this site, maybe you could come post something sometime, or argue in the comments.

    Anyway, at present I’m not recommending any other Reddit alternative and probably won’t.

  • I think it helps provide a counter-balance to the more right leaning groups trying to avoid mainstream social media.

    I think this point is important regardless of political spectrum. Lots of really nasty people have migrated to alternative platforms so that they can be nasty, but I’m glad Lemmy makes it clear enough that it’s not one of their nasty spaces.

  • I think the problem is not unique to Muslims, but all religious groups have suffered under Chinese communist rule. It’s no matter what other countries do or say because that is irrelevant.

    I agree that the situation for Uyghurs may not be as bleak as some people portray it, but China’s policy towards them has a lot of problems, and I would say is unacceptable. As a Muslim I’d never willingly subject myself to CCP rule. Unfortunately, the fact that Xinjiang is a part of China is a reality they I don’t think can be changed. I sincerely hope things improve for them in the future, one way or another.