Lesbian transgirl 🏳️‍🌈 Pricefield forever 💖 Gaymer 🎮

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023

  • Hey Charles! While I did see and gush over this over on Twitter, I thank you for linking me to this and I apologise for the nearly two week delay in my response…been kind of a weird time.

    Another incredibly beautiful piece of Pricefield fanart by the Queen herself. 💕 Thank you so much, again, to both you and bosterm for commissioning her once again. All of these commissions make me so excited for Elisa’s PF artbook if she decides to go through with it. If she does, I don’t care how much I have to pay for it. Not only is Pricefield my everything, but we’d also be supporting a lesbian artist—who just so happens to be my all-time favourite PF artist—and that means so much to me! I’m also certain that I’ll just lay there bawling, flipping through those beautiful pages in the fetal position from the sheer overwhelming love radiating deep within my heart. 😭 💖

  • I’m here!! Thank you for letting me know about this community, b3n. I really did mourn the closing of the Pricefield subreddit.

    Anyway, I’ve already mentioned how much this commission meant to me, so instead I’ll just say “thank you.” Thank you so so much for commissioning Elisa for this. She is my all-time favourite LiS/Pricefield artist and seeing my beloved girls—in her peerless style—proudly wrapping themselves in the sunset flag as they share a tender moment filled my heart with joy more than I can ever hope to accurately explain.

    ❤️ 🧡 🤍 💗 💜