could be used for social welfare systems
For needy billionaires, maybe.
could be used for social welfare systems
For needy billionaires, maybe.
I would love to see the statistics on this. Even more so if they do indeed show better electoral participation from the left. Sure, it would be a meaningless victory to see more fellow leftists looking at the big picture, but it would be something.
Once trump is done ratfucking the country for 4 years, the dems will get blamed.
And he’ll stay in office because someone dared to pretend to hold him responsible. People really need to get over the idea that it’s only 4 more years.
Too little, too fucking late. The courts are gone for at least a generation, if the US survives. Positive political change is no longer possible thanks to those who gullible ~15mil.
Oh and 34 which will ensure that HIV/AIDS orgs, like those that supported prop 33, will not be able to engage in political advocacy. This has truly been a garbage election with garbage people supporting garbage policies or refusing to stand against garbage.
It’s more the non-voters that it needed to sink in with but it’s too late for that.
Trump isn’t running again, he’ll be like 86, so he’s not going to give a shit what comes next.
He’s not planning on running again. He’s planning on being king until he dies. Even if the GQP didn’t plan on doing everything that they laid out to turn the country into a theofascist dictatorship (they do plan on it), the courts will be irreparably compromised for the lifetime of everyone currently alive. Optimism would be nice but the very real consequences of 15million people sitting out this election is that it is the last real one that this country will see and the last one under which many will have civil rights.
Ah yes. Like LGBTQ+ people?
Culpability for what?
Maybe handing all three branches of a nuclear power to literal fascists?
Maybe the party leadership will finally pull their heads out of their asses after this, but I won’t hold my breath. They’ll probably pick someone like Joe Manchin to run in 2028…
You really don’t grasp what has has transpired here do you? You think that those of us who have been ringing the alarms are just overreacting and it’s going to be business as usual?
You think that the guy who looks up to a dictator that throws people that he is upset at out of windows, who has also been granted immunity to any reprecussions for illegal acts by the Supreme Court, is going to care if Powell doesn’t want to do what he wants to?
Best to come to terms with what people non-voted for so that you’re not taken by surprise. Laws don’t mean shit for him anymore and he’s not leaving the kingship that he’s been handed on a silver platter while he’s still alive.
Dr. King was a firm believer in non-violence, true. His non-violence was counter-balanced by MalcomX and the Black Panthers. The powers in charge had to choose.
Drag was not stating that people should go out and murder their neighbors. Drag was saying that, in resistance to fascists that want to murder LGBTQ+ people, moderates and centrists have proven again that they are not allies to the oppressed (like Dr. King stated just over 60 years ago) and will likely be among those collaborating with the oppressors in order to maintain a new status quo.
While I don’t agree with violence in most cases, I’m not trans and what we’re seeing is not most cases - it’s not even The South under Jim Crow. It is much, much worse. I don’t see the country isn’t coming back from this, even if they implement only a fraction of what they have stated that they want - the courts are not correctable through any political action in the lifetime of anyone currently living. The highest court in the country that can override all others has signaled that they would like to revisit decisions allowing same-sex and inter-racial marriage as well as transforming the presidential office into a kingship.
LGBTQ+ people who want to live are going to have no choice but to use violence to defend themselves. Because, as drag pointed out, they have been betrayed by both moderates/centrists AND far-left anti-electoralists/accelerationists who were overjoyed to sacrifice them for their political ends. Neither can be counted on as allies.
LGBTQ+ people are already dying because of this election:
For a final time, this is still repeating the fallacy of Denying the Correlative. The only options available were Dems or GQP facists. There were no other options. Choosing to not vote or vote third party was a choice to not oppose facism. Full stop.
“Genocide” or “no genocide” were not options of any statistical possibility. The only possible outcomes were Dems, who at least made half-hearted statements of opposing, OR GQP fascists who want genocide to occur at a much larger and faster scale in more places and prevent anyone from removing them from power while openly stating their intent to oppress all LGBTQ+ people domestically and abroad (foreign aid will be contingent on oppression), women, non-christians, and political opponents.
Outcomes are factual, measurable things. Moral purity dick-measuring contests have no impact on reality or human suffering. Your moral purity means absolutely fuck all to those of us who have already lost people or have friends and family on suicide watch because of people too high on their own egos to care about how their choices impact others. I’m sure that it was extremely moral to hand over the entire government of a nuclear power to fascists on a silver platter, without even pretending to offer resistance. Hey, at least you can sure off your gargantuan morality-peen, right?
Why don’t you or anyone using the “morality” excuse for not opposing fascism call up The Trevor Project and explain to them how it’s really for the greater good that you chose to allow the election of those with intentions to murder and oppress those that they are trying to save? I’m sure they’ll be overjoyed and applaud the size of your morality-peen.
I’m trying to get people to not death spiral in to depression & do something helpful in the short term for themselves & others in their local communities.
Thank you for doing so. It’s been a rough week for most of us on the left side of the political spectrum. Someone in another thread described it as similar to the grief process and that is extremely apt.
Best case scenario it helps us all get through the social, political, & economic chaos of the incoming clown show worse case we will be better able to defend against any potential violence directed at us.
Despite my fury at my fellow leftists, I do agree that this is a very prudent thing to do and appreciate your doing so. I profoundly hope that yourself and those close to you remain safe and well in the coming shitstorm.
Also, this is nothing like Reagan/Mondale. Reagan never said he would be a dictator. Reagan never quoted Hitler.
This is the denial that I’ve been seeing everywhere. People keep thinking that “oh, the dems might learn something and do better in 4 years.” Nope. It’s done. The courts have been irreparably compromised and left of center policy will probably never again be allowed.
Also the idea of future free and fair elections appears unlikely.
Tell me how else I am supposed to interpret this, please.
I’d recommend reading Dr. King’s letter from Birmingham Jail. Drag is coming to terms with the fact that Dr. King was right but his statement also applies to the plight of all marginalized people.
In addition, once they’re in power, fascists do not voluntarily leave while they are still alive. I’m not personally calling for violence but, non-voters have helped to remove the ballot box as a tool for any meaningful change for anyone currently living or coming generations. The courts are gone along with any hope of free and fair elections. That’s something that you need to understand. A lot of people are in complete denial of that and will remain so as the pressure ramps up.
People who remain moderates and centrists are going to be those who inform on their trans and immigrant neighbors in order to try to keep out of the line of fire and keep pretending that everything is “normal”.
You cannot morally justify voting for Harris unless you can justify her ongoing role in the genocide. No one else running for president came close to playing such a role and, of course, there’s nothing immoral about abstaining.
Your reasoning is utterly bunk and, again, Denying the Correlative. The choices were D or R. Status quo and attempts to softly change 70 years of foreign policy was the Dems. Full-blown genocide of the Palestinian and Ukrainian peoples, ending democracy, LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, minority rights, labor rights, and any action to combat climate change was the Reps. There were no other choices possible in the FPTP system. None.
We’ve seen that non-voters allowed rightward shifts in the Overton Window for half a century, rejecting every bit of statistical data that showed this to be the case. That’s done now. Selfish desire to feel morally pure has permanently altered humanity’s course for the worse, accelerating atrocities and climate collapse.
The choice was “try to reform the status quo” OR “drastically increase global human suffering and oppression of marginalized groups”. The “genocide or not” was nothing but propaganda to help the far-right win so that they can play out their doomsday cult’s fantasies.
The entire US government has just been handed over to open fascists that state that they want to erase LGBTQ+ and non-christian people from the country. The US system wasn’t parliamentary, where there can be snap elections, etc. The president nominates candidates for lifetime appointments to the courts. The legislature confirms them.
Even if the fascists don’t do what they say they want to, the courts are gone for at least a generation. They are now there to rubber stamp anything that a theofascist wants. The US Supreme Court has already signaled that they may take up the right to marry people of different ethnic backgrounds and have already decided that a president is a king.
So, yeah. The most optimistic scenarios in the US are ones where trans people, LGBTQ+, and ethnic minorities are oppressed, and the people have no political power as the courts will just overrule any outcome that they don’t want.
Things are going to get ugly, likely very quickly.
I still have hope that we will have a democracy in 4 years.
This is what people, both libs and “teach the dems” non-voters don’t seem to be getting: that’s not how facism works. Even if it were the case, at minimum, the courts are captured for the rest of anyone currently living’s life. That’s done.
The ~15 million that I’m referring to are those that sat out the election rather than opposing a fascist.