notceps [he/him]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2021


  • Small bloomer news incoming:

    A swiss organisation called ‘Climateseniors (f)’ (Klimaseniorinnen) won a case in front of the European Court of Human Rights, they argued that because Switzerland is not doing enough against climate change their human rights have been violated. Women seniors are especially at risk during heatwaves and are much more likely to get sick or even die, so they argued Switzerland was putting their lives at risk. The ECHR agreed with the Climateseniors and now Switzerland has to ‘do more’.

    Some background info on this group, it was funded in 2016 with around 150 members but has since attracted up to 2500 members, they were contacted by Greenpeace who saw a legal argument that climate policy that harms people be brought in front of the court of justice.

    4 Individuals also brought their forth but were denied by the court.

    This thing is somewhat historic and opens up a path for similar arguments in the other 46 countries that are party of the European Council.

  • Dang just a normal check gone awry, nevermind that the whole ‘we are cracking down on money-laundering’ after what CUM-EX CUM-CUM, wonder if someone high up was involved in this whole scandal like someone who used to be mayor of Hamburg guess we’ll never know.

    Like if Germany was a country that took corruption serious and this was them being overzelous I think your argument would hold water but it doesn’t. Deutsche Bank has like a scandal every other month it seems like and all the small private banks have been as well. People directly involved in major tax fraud have seen no consequences the biggest thing you’ll see again taking an example from something like Deutsche Bank is a fine that’s lower than the amount of money they got from doing the illegal thing. The FIU isn’t cracking down on money laundering, corruption and all that what they are saying ‘You ought to give us a cut’ as long as they aren’t jailing and properly fining those institutions.

    Second Germany currently has an outright nazi-party polling at 20% (AfD with them saying nazi shit over and over and being spotted at nazi-events) a covered nazi-party polling at 30% (Union defending all their nazi friends and saying the same shit but a bit more laid back) and crypto-nazi parties polling at 15% (SPD with their Scholz who thinks that they should ‘IM GROSSEN STIEL AUSCHAFFEN’ like sorry but if 65% of the votes are like this don’t be suprised when people outside of germany say that germany has a major nazi problem. The only difference now it seems is that brown people are the subhumans.

    If germany wasn’t full throttle behind Israel, if Germany wasn’t currently being dragged in front of the ICJ for facilitating a Genocide then you could be right but they are so…

    Like get fucking real germany isn’t being normal they haven’t been normal for at least the last few years when SPD was like “We gotta get way more racist” and this isn’t me being a tankie or whatever that’s me trying to take a social democratic position. They are purposefully going after pro-palestine, pro-peace activists. Just like they’ve gone after climate activist (Remember that one where the police broke federal law?)

  • I’ve posted some of their threads in the past and they are just not alright, one standout one was when Yemen imposed a blockade a ton of people fell over themselves to say how much disgusted they are because now the west will just have to blow up brown people, or when that UNHRW was happening and they just had to say that ‘of course Hamas has completely undermined that organisation we shouldn’t give them any money at all this all makes perfect sense’ like there’s a reason that AfD (the most fascist party) is polling at 20%+ and is just proof of it.

  • How the fuck do you get that from this, like huh? Seriously are you ok? To most people that practice a sport or that are really into a specific sport PEDs are a thing that pretty much every athlete uses. And ‘the rules’ only get brought up by dipshits, like look at Lance here guy doped and so did everyone else, this isn’t news lmao. I’m not saying fuck the rules I’m saying fuck that very specific rule because guess what that rule is why dipshit yanks, which ima guess me saying that sent you into a fit, use to explain why the US can’t compete against the Russians, Iranians, Georgians, Chinese etc etc. it is something I’ve seen 5 years ago over and over and over again.

  • if this is what you got from that comment then i dunno dude, like come on how dense are you I laid out that all the ‘controversy’ about PEDs stems quite literally from the fact that the USA got beaten at the olympics by the soviets and then after that pushed the IOC to introduce this rule.

    I’ll repeat it again the rules weren’t put up because of the IOC was concerned about the health of athletes, the rules were put up because the USA didn’t win enough medals. Talking about it is quite literally a one for one ‘muh rules based order’ because the rules served and to this day continue to serve western interest, it’s the same reason why certain sports are olympic and some are not and why some have like 10 disciplines and some have only one. Again this is not new stuff we just now know about. The influence of the USA on decisions that the IOC has made and is making like nowadays with transgender athletes is incredibly well known and someone going ‘well the rules’ sets me off because it is clear that person does not know as much and generally just falls back to yankee vibes.

    That’s literally the point since I guess this shit is hard saying ‘breaking the rules’ is just lazy and I gave it the same energy. Yanks wrote up ‘that specific rule’ because they were losing face, it is not just something like ‘three strikes you are out’ it was as a reaction to the USA not winning enough. So yeah fuck that rule, and fuck going ‘Muh rules’

  • Dang doping harms long-term health of athletes? Can we look at all the things that also harm to long-term health of athletes? Like the list of things that wreck athletes bodies is extremely long and PEDs at least when it comes to strength sport is minimal there’s a ton of other things that do way more harm which you’d know if you were into strength sports but you aren’t you don’t care about sports and that’s fine but then don’t talk again no investigation no right to speak. Why is everyone extremely concerned about an athletes health when it comes to PEDs but no for example body weight or even practices of making weight, why do you if we come to it care about PEDs but not for example the extremely short time to recovery in sports like basketball after injuries that then have long term effects on those athletes? Again it’s all vibes and you picked it up because some yanks were mad that their coked up athletes lost against soviet athletes that were using early steroids. And don’t get me started on the transphobia that came with all this bullshit.

    Alright, I’ll just bring a nine to a basketball game and tell the other team to surrender. By some metrics, I’m now a better player than Lebron. You can’t have games without rules, games are essentially an expression of players interacting with each other in an environment mediated by the rules. Trying to equate this to, what? imperial hegemony? is anarcho-bedtime-ism.

    fucking reddit tier take seriously, I guess it’s better than doing a petersonian ‘women wearing blush is like cum’ but fucking do better

    Being upset that someone cheated a game is a totally reasonable reaction.

    You know who is always being upset about people ‘cheating’ by taking PEDs? Fucking yanks that go on why some no name us oly weightlifter can’t win because sterons when he can’t even put up respectable numbers but it’s not because the us sucks no it’s because of the evil SEE SEE PEE and the sneaky rus

    The people that always waltz into this conversation are people that either don’t know shit like you because I’m convinced by the amount of shit takes I’ve seen you have that you just don’t touch grass at all, or chauvinistic westerners that think that by virtue of being westerners they should win every sport contest. It’s a conversation I’ve had over and over and over the years and it’s silly that ‘Waaahhh it’s unfair’ and ‘Damn this is really dangerous’ is coming from yanks that literally badgered the IOC to change the rules in THEIR FAVOUR and who just love all kinds of bloodsports that just destroy other peoples bodies. Sincerely fuck off.

  • No investigation no right to speak you are just going off of vibes here.

    If doping is allowed, then it’s not a plucky little guy compensating for genetic disadvantages against people with optimal builds who are clean, it’s the little guy now needing to compete with guys who both have good builds and are also doping, because doping would effectively become mandatory to be competitive. The upstart doesn’t get any leveling tool, just another thing he needs to do, this one at the expense of his long term health.

    Newsflash the plucky little guy cannot compete in most sports there’s a reason why certain nations are able to dominate certain sports and that’s because their countries are able to maintain coaches and training programs to be able to get the most out of a person or do you think that for example slavs are only able to produce for example weightlifters but no swimmers? No it’s because during the cold war the soviet union and other countries in its sphere had the most sophisticated coaches and training programs. And here’s another we can nowadays make a pretty well educated guess that PEDs make up for around 10% higher performance, again this is in strength sports so oly weightlifting, shot put etc., and when we have to hear some american weightlifter complain about doping when they could not even compare to the chinese or russian, iranian etc. weightlifters if we lower their numbers.

    Which brings me to the history of doping because guess what during the cold war the USA and the USSR also had a little thing about competing in medals, both nations were doping but it only became a problem when the soviets just absolutely dumpstered the USA which then promptly went ‘IOC waaah the soviets are very mean they are doing the unfair’. It’s why there’s even to this day a ton of just shitty information out there.

    Yes, breaking the rules is unfair.

    Muh rules based sports order

  • With just how awful everything is this feels like me just adding stuff to it but here goes.

    Germany currently is diving headlong into fascism after germans patting themselves on their collective backs for protesting the AfD and them polling 2% worse now (21% to 19%) all is fine again.

    So fine that the German Landstag is currently thinking about forcing asylum seekers to work. Literally enforced labour, don’t say slavery though because they’ll be paid handsomely, 0,80€ per hour. Germany is quite literally doing a repeat of the last century and with the given trajectory they’ll literally have work concentration camps up by the 2030s, only this time they’ve learned and will only do this against Muslims.

    And worst is that germans feel very good and accomplished about themselves because again went on the street to hold up a cute little anti-AfD sign, when all politicians are currently falling each other trying to pass the latest fascist law and policy.


  • Since germany is the cotw here’s something some people don’t really get just how fucked it currently is:

    The current ruling regime is deeply undemocratic, the SPD after decades of being junior parties to the CDU/CSU have basically become a party without politics they for the most part lean on some left-wing aesthetics they’ve been able to retain but they are deeply deeply unpolitical. Up next the Greens, there’s more than a few that are just straight up US plants I think the most obvious one is Baerbock who used to work for a US-funded think tank so all you are left with is the FDP, who are only concerned with neoliberalism. They were able to do quite well during the elections but since are polling at 4%. So in short germanys politics are decided by the US and 4% of wannabe capitalist germans.

    Germany is not a democratic country, inb4 duh, just keep that in mind whenever you see crazy stuff like farmer’s protests, Reichsbürger, nazi parties polling at 20+% and any other crazy shit that’ll happen it is because currently only 4% of the voter base is actually ‘represented’.

    Edit: In short deeply deeply unserious ‘country’ it should be deleted.